WTC Tragedy Remembered:
September 11, 2004
9-11 Memorial Service
Photos by Fritz
A solemn 9-11 Memorial Ceremony was
held Thursday, September 11, 2004 at the Fireman's Memorial (Boulevard/Circle). The program was presented by The
Clergy of Hasbrouck Heights and Mayor Ronald R. Jones. The Hasbrouck Heights Police, Fire
Department & scouts provided the Honor Guard.
Councilman Thomas Meli began the 20 minute service with the Pledge of Allegiance and
Conchita Parker led the community in singing the God Bless America.
Rev.Lewis Papera (Pastor of Corpus Christi Church) gave the invocation.
The Miller family was recognized by the Mayor during the Gazebo's dedication in memory of
Mr. Robert C. Miller. Paul Carris attended [Angles Walk Among Us].
Mayor Jones and Councilman Meli began the "Lighting of Candles".
The benediction was given by Rev. Joseph Pickard, Fire Department Chaplain (Vicar, St.
John the Divine Episcopal Church).
At selected moments during the service Michael Higgins played the Bag Pipes.
Councilman Thomas Meli began the service with the Pledge of Allegiance
Hasbrouck Heights Police, Fire Department & scouts provided the Honor Guard.
Conchita Parker led the community in singing the God Bless America.
Rev.Lewis Papera (Pastor of Corpus Christi Church) gave the invocation.
Mayor Ronald R. Jones
The Miller family was recognized by the Mayor during the Gazebo's dedication in memory of
Mr. Robert C. Miller.
The "Lighting of Candles"
The benediction was given by Rev. Joseph Pickard, Fire Department Chaplain
(Vicar, St. John the Divine Episcopal Church).