WTC Tragedy: September 11, 2001

Community perspective by Karen Fels

A candle light vigil was held around the country on Friday night September 14, 2001, a National day of mourning.

Watching the scenes on TV was like watching scenes of an apocalypse taken from a Science Fiction movie.

Seeing the workers pulling away debris instills inside us a sense of wanting to help any way possible.

The lighting of the candle in unison around the country not only unifies the country but lets us know we are not alone in our feelings of helplessness and despair.

Light a candle and never forget the people who died on September 11, 2001.

[Karen Fels Index]


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World Trade Center
Remembered ...

WTC Remembered 2005

[Memorial Service]
[Mr. Paul Carris Address]

WTC Remembered 2004
[Memorial Service]

WTC Remembered 2003
[Memorial Service]    [Karen Fels Photos]

WTC Remembered 2002
Candlelight Procession Start at [Kipp]
[Down Passaic to Circle]
[Service at Circle][Public at Service]
[General community photos]
[Middle School Patriotic Tribute]
Karen Fels Pics [Procession][Service]

WTC Remembered 2001
[Candle Light Vigil] at Depken Field 9/15
[CommunityPerspective][Community Photos]
[Karen Fels Perspective]
[Kristy Castora Perspective]
[Heights School Reaction]
Paul Carris Heroism [Angels Walk Among Us]

Neighbor lost in the attacks ...
Robert C. Miller Jr., 55, Anon Corp.

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