WTC Tragedy Remembered:
September 11, 2002

HH Middle School
Patriotic Tribute Day

Photos by Fritz Rethage

Teachers assembled their 6th, 7th & 8th grade classes to form the "Living Colors of America" on the front lawn of the High School campus on the afternoon of September 11, 2002

"A Tribute to Heroes," written by Shannon W., along with the sixth grade's poetry selections -- were read.

Middle School principle Mr. Bolcar addressed the Middle School students, staff and guests,   as well as School Superintendent Mr. Joe Luongo and BOE President Mrs. Joyce Powell.

There was a moment of silence.  The program conclued with Allison H. singing the National Anthem.  ####

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Middle School Presents
Living Colors of America

Hasbrouck Heights Middle School took part in a Patriotic Tribute Day on September 11th, 2002. Each grade level wore red, white, or blue shirts to form the "Living Colors of America," a human flag, which was photographed from the roof of the school.

Mr. Luongo, Mr. Bolcar, and Mrs. Powell addressed the gathering briefly then the students read a few inspirational poems and an original essay about heroes, unity, and patriotism.

Everyone observed a moment of silence to remember those whole lives were changed by the tragic events of Last September. To close the ceremony, Alyson H. led the Middle School in singing the National Anthem.

Additional pictures can be viewed in the Middle School hallway along with the quilt and banner that the students made.

-- Nichole Rucci – Sept. 18, 2002


World Trade Center
Remembered ...

WTC Remembered 2005

[Memorial Service]
[Mr. Paul Carris Address]

WTC Remembered 2004
[Memorial Service]

WTC Remembered 2003
[Memorial Service]    [Karen Fels Photos]

WTC Remembered 2002
Candlelight Procession Start at [Kipp]
[Down Passaic to Circle]
[Service at Circle][Public at Service]
[General community photos]
[Middle School Patriotic Tribute]
Karen Fels Pics [Procession][Service]

WTC Remembered 2001
[Candle Light Vigil] at Depken Field 9/15
[CommunityPerspective][Community Photos]
[Karen Fels Perspective]
[Kristy Castora Perspective]
[Heights School Reaction]
Paul Carris Heroism [Angels Walk Among Us]

Neighbor lost in the attacks ...
Robert C. Miller Jr., 55, Anon Corp.

[Flag History- Rose Heck]
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