WTC Tragedy Remembered:
September 11, 2002

9-11 Memorial Service
Photos by Fritz Rethage


General photos of those attending service.

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[Service at Circle]


World Trade Center
Remembered ...

WTC Remembered 2005

[Memorial Service]
[Mr. Paul Carris Address]

WTC Remembered 2004
[Memorial Service]

WTC Remembered 2003
[Memorial Service]    [Karen Fels Photos]

WTC Remembered 2002
Candlelight Procession Start at [Kipp]
[Down Passaic to Circle]
[Service at Circle][Public at Service]
[General community photos]
[Middle School Patriotic Tribute]
Karen Fels Pics [Procession][Service]

WTC Remembered 2001
[Candle Light Vigil] at Depken Field 9/15
[CommunityPerspective][Community Photos]
[Karen Fels Perspective]
[Kristy Castora Perspective]
[Heights School Reaction]
Paul Carris Heroism [Angels Walk Among Us]

Neighbor lost in the attacks ...
Robert C. Miller Jr., 55, Anon Corp.

[Flag History- Rose Heck]
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