WTC Tragedy: September 11, 2001

Community perspective

BOE Perspective


Excerpts by: Edwinna Carroll, Community Relations Committee HHBOE

September 11, 2001, the day we will never forget, we saw the beginning of a new era in our country where things will never be the same. We were very fortunate to have a great staff from our Acting Superintendent, all the way through our wonderful custodial staff. These dedicated people made sure your children were safe and that they would all arrive home safely. We would also like to give a "Special Thanks" to the Police Department and the Crisis Management Team of the Borough for all of there efforts.

Since the events of the Tuesday, the students of Hasbrouck Heights have rallied and have begun to collect donations. The High School Key Club is selling paper links of red, white and blue, which you can see hanging from the hallway ceiling in the main entrance, and the proceeds will be going to the Red Cross Relief fund. The Key Club is also selling red, white and blue bead bracelets which proceeds will go to the New York Fire and Police Departments. The Italian Club at the High School is selling red, white and blue ribbons with the proceeds going to the American Red Cross. The Junior Police Academy collected water and supplies, which were already delivered and greatly appreciated by the volunteers working so hard at the World Trade Center.

At Euclid School supplies were also collected and delivered personally by Mr. McGovern to the Jersey City collection site. Also on "Town Day" this past Saturday, the following girls from Euclid’s 5th grade class donated their time and efforts in doing "Braiding of Colors" with the proceeds going to the Red Cross. These young ladies are Nicole, Jessie, Juliana, Stephanie, Veronica, Alyssa, Elyse, Kristen. I’m sure their parents are extremely proud.

I would also like to thank Mrs. Wilson of the High School for supplying me with the information on the students at the Jr./Sr. High School. It is wonderful to see the youth of our community, backing our Country with such enthusiasm. Mrs. Wilson even remarked that every morning with the "Pledge of Allegiance" the students seem to be standing straighter and understand the true meaning of the words.

We should all try and do what our President has asked and try to go back to our normal routine. Again, on behalf of the committee we would like to say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to everyone who kept the children of Hasbrouck Heights safe.

To those in our community who have suffered a loss we extend our heartfelt sympathy and our thoughts and prayers are with you. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

[Full text]

World Trade Center
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Neighbor lost in the attacks ...
Robert C. Miller Jr., 55, Anon Corp.

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