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The information provided is the exclusive property of Hasbrouck Heights, NJ and Burgis Associates, Inc..
Unauthorized use is prohibited. c 2000, 2001. All rights reserved.

[Back to Boulevard Index]

Boulevard Re-Development

As of late 2002, The Boulevard improvements will begin upon completion of the New Municipal Complex. The first segment of the improvement program will start at Madison Avenue and extend three blocks to Kipp Avenue.

Burgis Associates, Inc. Report

Working report for revitalization of the Central Business District issued February 2001 [pdf is 106k]
Editor Note:  The PDF contains the text and tables.
Empty pages inside the report are slots for the graphics (shown below).

TABLE OF CONTENTS         (These pages are included in the pdf)
1 Introduction
3 Overview of the Process and Analysis
3 The Process
3 Study Area
3 Analysis of Existing Conditions
21 Preliminary Planning Goals
22 Preliminary Comments Re:  Design Issues
57 Supplemental Background Data Base
57 Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance
58 Selected Population Characteristics

TABLES         (These pages are included in the pdf)
5 #1 - Range of Floor Areas in CBD
15 #2 - Land Use by Number and Percent of Uses
17 #3 - Land Use by Floor Area
22 #4 - Suggested Shade Trees
58 #5 - Area and Bulk Regulations, B-1 Zone 
59 #6 - Population of Adjoining Municipalities 
60 #7 - Income Statistics 
61 #8 - Per Capita Income

(These pages are not in the pdf, but presented below)
2 Study Area
4 Aerial
8-13 CBD Photographs
16 Existing Land Use
26 Existing Conditions
27 Parking Study: Area
28-36 Parking Studies
37-40 Schematic Streetscape Improvement Plans
41-42 Sidewalk Pavement Concepts
43-44 Streetscape Furniture
45-46 Lighting Samples and Details
47 Banner Pole Illustration
48-56 Architectural Illustrations

Click image for larger graphic

1a.jpg (26005 bytes)
Study Area Page 2

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Aerial photograph Page 4

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Existing Conditions Map Page 26

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Parking Study Area Map Page 27

Schematic Streetscape Improvement Plans Pages 37-40
5a.jpg (20619 bytes)

6a.jpg (21127 bytes)

7a.jpg (22096 bytes)

Sidewalk Pavement Improvement Plans Pages 41-42
8a.jpg (14740 bytes)

10a.jpg (20046 bytes)

11a.jpg (29094 bytes)

12a.jpg (21698 bytes)

9a.jpg (19632 bytes)

Architectural Illustrations Pages 48-56
introa.jpg (22686 bytes)

clocka.jpg (17263 bytes)

furna.jpg (19036 bytes)
Streetscape Furniture Page 43-44

lighta.jpg (10345 bytes)

singa.jpg (20169 bytes)

storea.jpg (19934 bytes)

uprfa.jpg (19961 bytes)

upwca.jpg (21765 bytes)

walta.jpg (22636 bytes)

parka.jpg (23448 bytes)

First Draft of [Burgis Report] Consultants plan for revitalization issued July, 2000 [pdf is 400k]

Related links
[Save Our Boulevard] -- Issues being discussed

[Boulevard pedestrian safety] -- Public concerns over continuing pedestrian accidents
Survey: Are Pedestrians Safe Crossing The Boulevard?

[Parking discussion]

Municipal Complex
[Click here] for larger copy of architects drawings of Plan A (Plan B being advanced) Quick summary: Library on top floor. Senior Center, Municipal Offices on first floor. 100+ off street parking spaces. Police Department, HH Fire Department  and Municipal Court to remain at 248 Hamilton Ave. as Public Safety Complex. [Complete index for Boro Hall in Transition][Construction Index]

[New Library/Senior Center] scheduled for Boulevard & Central  Avenue
Boro Administration temporarily located at 218-222 Boulevard

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