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The Boulevard

Let's make Our Boulevard more "user-friendly"

2004 Hometown Shopping & Business Guide in pdf format (1.4 meg)
2003 Hometown Shopping & Business Guide [pdf]
2001-2002 Hometown Shopping & Business Guide [pdf]

Merchants Business Page

Save Our Boulevard -- Issues
Improving the Boulevard by Pat Vella

Parking Overview
Chamber View about Parking

Boulevard pedestrian safety
Survey: Are You Safe Crossing The Boulevard?

Boulevard Re-Development
Redevelopment Index
Burgis Report

The Boulevard Name
Records indicate that on August 20, 1900, the Business Men's Association requested the Mayor and Council change the name "The Grand View Boulevard"   to "The Boulevard".  The request was referred to the Street Committee and then Ordinance Committee.  Ordinance No. 70 was introduced in September 7, 1900 and adopted in September 17, 1900.

The map in "The Crowning Glory" real estate brochure show the name as "Grand View Boulevard".

The map in "The Lemmermann Villa Site Company" broadside show the name as "Grand View Boulevard".

The Boulevard was originally called the "Grand Electric Boulevard" because at the turn of the century, the Newark and Hackensack Traction Company expanded it's trolley tracks from Monroe Street terminus in Carlstadt across Wood-Ridge and Hasbrouck Heights and onto Hackensack. It was known as the "Red Line"


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