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Kiwanis 50th Anniversary

Presidents Message

Kiwanis Club


It is with great pleasure that I welcome all of you to the Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration of the Hasbrouck Heights-Teterboro Kiwanis Club. I am honored to be serving as president during this exciting time in the club’s history.

It is with great pride that I congratulate all Kiwanians who have served throughout the past fifty years. Members who are no longer with us are in our thoughts today and their spirit remains within the club always. Our past and present living members have something so wonderful to be proud of.

The Hasbrouck Heights-Teterboro Kiwanis Club has been fortunate to have had a dynamic group of people throughout these fifty years because every member contributed something to this organization.

The focus of this club has always been service to the adults and children of this community as well as the children of the world. This driving force has shown through in all the accomplishments this club has attained.

I am also pleased to have the opportunity to congratulate Dr. Burnett Eglow on his fifty years of dedication to this spirit of Kiwanis. His contributions to this organization have withstood the test of time and many activities that "Doc" initiated are still a part of the Kiwanis’ activities today. All of us thank "Doc" for all he has done in making this club the success it has been and may he have many more years of Kiwanis involvement in the future.

This journal, that you are receiving today, is a tribute to the Hasbrouck Heights-Teterboro Kiwanis Club’s Fiftieth Anniversary. Within its covers are numerous commercial ads from people who support the work that our club does within the community. There are also many congratulatory notes to Dr. Eglow and the Hasbrouck Heights-Teterboro Kiwanis Club for fifty years of service to our community.

I would like to thank all those individuals and businesses who have generously contributed to the success of this journal and who strive every day to make our community a great place in which to live and work.


Colleen M. Jarvis


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