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HHFD moves to Teterboro?

October 23, 2001 --- Boro officials have selected a Honeywell parking lot on Green Street in Teterboro for the new temporary location for the fire department – 1.5 miles from Hamilton Avenue. Alternate choices included swim club parking lot, Depken Athletic Field and Woodland Park. The old Grand Union parking lot and Central Avenue were not choices.

About 30 members in full uniform and many concerned citizens attended the Mayor and Council meeting on Tuesday, October 23, 2001. They want the Fire Department to stay in town and expressed their outrage of taking fire department out of town. The main issue is the response time (especially during rush hour) for personnel to go to the equipment, then onto the emergency scene. Residents also raised concerns of increased fire insurance premiums for the community although that was discounted by boro officials.

There will be a six-month delay while the Mayor & Council reconsiders the location selection.

It will cost $100,000 to lease a temporary structure. Insurance may pay.

Immediately after the Boro Hall fire December 10, 1999, part of the department had moved to Kundert Motors on Terrace Avenue. Then about a year ago, the Boro installed two temporary structures and returned two trucks and ambulances back to Hamilton Avenue. The Impken Wing is structurally sound and has been operational since the Big Fire.

Now Boro officials want to move the whole Fire Department somewhere else, and demolish the entire Hamilton Avenue site to make way for the new public safety complex that will eventually house the court, fire and police department.

Boro officials want both construction projects in operation at the same time.

The Department responds to about 2,000 calls a year and has about 50 volunteers. The equipment includes two pumpers, a hook & ladder (currently under repair in Wisconsin and due back in the spring), a rescue truck and two ambulances. The old fire department facility was about 5,000 square feet and the new facility is estimated to be 9,000. The HHFD also services Teterboro with a population of 45.


aug22.jpg (18940 bytes)
Webcam View of the burned out municipal complex --
Impken Wing: Only the two bays to the right are operational.

[Index] to Boro Hall Fire on December 10, 1999

Fire Department un-Official site [Index]

39a.jpg (8373 bytes) Temporary facilities were operational late October 2000
On April 11, the Mayor & Council scheduled HHFD to move back to a new temporary structure at old boro hall site. Work was completed and the facilaities were operational late October 2000.  These "temporary Butler" buildings will be re-used by the DPW after the HHFD new quarters are built. View construction progess photos [Groundwork] [Construction] [Construction Details]
Operational one year later]

1.jpg (39127 bytes)
The department wintered 1999 at Kundert Motors on Terrace Avenue

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