Rebuilding the HHFD
Photos by Fritz Rethage

[Construction][Construction Details]

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After the fire, the HHFD wintered at Kundert Motors on Terrace Ave.

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The April 11th meeting of Mayor & Council authorized temporary steel structures to erected on the east parking lot of the old municipal buildingNote that these two (west-end) fire truck bays are operational.

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As of mid-July, the plans have been revised to place a temporary structures on this parking lot, and another structure to be located on the parking spaces on Hamilton Avenue. Below is a  photo of United Water moving pipes to accommodate structure. Construction is scheduled to be completed by August. Estimated minimum time these buildings will be used is 2 years.

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Materials delivered and groundwork being prepared as of Late July 2000.
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August 1, 2000.

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August 3, 2000.

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August 9, 2000.

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August 9, 2000.

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August 14, 2000.

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August 14, 2000.

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