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Photos by Fritz Rethage  ·  Posted October 22, 2004

Halloween in the Park -- 2004

Haunted Hay Ride
[Woodland Park]

Woodland Park was invaded by ghosts, goblins, aliens and assorted scary characters on the evening of October 21, 2004.  Halloween in the Park began at 5:45 p.m. and concluded at 10:00 p.m.  Two hayride trailers took turns collecting riders at the Harrison Avenue end of the pavilion and went around to the back section of the park were they were frightened by a variety of terrifying citizens of the night.

After the horrific experience, they escaped at the Roosevelt Avenue end of the pavilion -- where they were treated to cider and cookies.  The pavilion fireplace was warm and glowing.  A card reader delighted participants and musical entertainment was provided by Fun Time Entertainment.  The event was sponsored by the Hasbrock Heights Department of Recreation. Tickets were $5. Children under 10 were accompanied by an adult.

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Halloween 2004
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Halloween Safety Tips
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