Posted July 25, 2004  ·   Photos by Fritz Rethage
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HHFD rescuing 12 year old trapped under car Dec. 13, 2000  [Photos]

HHFD Heavy Rescue
"Jaws of Life"

"Jaws of Life" training held on July 11, 2004
1. Story and equipment
2. Blue car: Removing front doors
3. Blue car: Removing rear doors
4. Blue car: Removing glass, roof, breaking frame & opening hood
5. Yellow truck: Removing doors
6. Yellow truck: Removing glass and roof
7. Yellow truck: Extracting victim

Mpeg movies included:  Blue car [Rear door]   [Cutting hood open]
Yellow truck [Door] [Cutting windshield #1]  [Cutting windshield #2]

Securing the vehicle

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The vehicle is first stabilized with special blocks.

Removing the front doors

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The trainer provides an overview and explains the sequence of training

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The equipment is connected and generator started

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A notch large enough for the tip of the tool is made to begin the process

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Senior department members are always close at hand to insure that proper techniques are used

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