So Happy to be Here!

I am Rev. Thomas Wisniewski, better known as Father Tom, the new addition to the priestly clergy serving the people at Corpus Christi Church, here in Hasbrouck Heights.

It is a homecoming of sorts, but it’s a little complicated. My birthplace was Jersey City, July 7, 1954. For the first 21 years of my life that is where I lived and attended school, including my Bachelor’s in accounting from Saint Peter’s College in 1976.

In March of 1976, our family moved to Hasbrouck Heights which is where my parents, Frank and Irene, still reside. My sister, Judy, lives with her two children, Kirsten and Jon, in nearby River Edge.

The reason I qualify it as a partial homecoming is I only lived in Hasbrouck Heights for six months before beginning seminary in Mahwah at Immaculate Conception, where I received an M Div Degree. From 1980-1996 I served in a number of pastoral assignments, including three in Bergen County. During this time I also received a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Drew University.

In my earliest days of ministry I spent almost all my time with teenagers and young adults.
There is so much energy and all that potential that lies ahead at that stage of life. I was determined to get out a message that Jesus Christ is not only real, He’s the best thing you can do for your life. The 80’s were exciting times in Bergen County youth ministry and I felt fortunate to be a part of it.

My conviction with both young and old is that most of us need a conversion experience, something that brings us into real relationship with Jesus.
Without that, I think it is hard to make religion a vital part of your every day life. I especially enjoy retreat work and it’s during events like that, where conversion happens over and over again.

If I could encourage most people to do something good for themselves it would be to go on a retreat, adults have Cursillo and the youth have Antioch, SEARCH as well as parish retreats being offered in many places.

Finally, in 1996, I had the opportunity to become a pastor at Saint Joseph’s in Maplewood, an experience that broadened my vision of ministry into many more areas. Also, I was able to use some of my accounting background in doing the necessary administrative work needed in a small parish with modest economic means.

It is there that I became convinced that the most important work we can do as clergy is to be welcoming. For the first three years in Maplewood my staff and I simply built community. It was truly rewarding to hear visitors comment on how friendly our Church was to strangers. Isn’t that what Jesus emphasized?

In the past three years I fulfilled another lifelong dream -- to teach college full time. As a professor of Theology at the College of Saint Elizabeth in Morristown, I concentrated on Scripture and Christian ethics. Once again, I was surrounded by youthful enthusiasm willing to learn and to discover what their faith meant as young women. It was a great opportunity and something I will always cherish.

Yet, despite my joy, I also came to realize that my first calling is parish. This is the front line of real life and there are so many things people contend with each and every day and I believe that faith is a critical ingredient to finding integrity and an inner peace most of us crave so much.
There are many ministries I hope to impact during my time at Corpus Christi and we are still figuring out what some of those directions might be.

Two things I will immediately plunge into will be to work with the new youth ministry team as we try to build a youth community and to use my love of teaching to do some adult education.
This fall I hope to offer a series on the Old Testament beginning in October.

Other than that I am happy to be home and I look forward to being active within our own faith community as well as with the clergy from throughout the town. It is such a privilege to break open the Word each and every Sunday for the faithful. I so believe the world would be a much better place if we could only live the Gospel a little better each and every day. ###

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