Parents Get D.A.R.E. Overview

Hasbrouck Heights Police Lt. Shawn Mullins conducted an overview of the D.A.R.E. program for HH 5th Grade parents on Monday, November 19, 2007 at Police Department Headquarters.

The D.A.R.E. program’s goal is to significantly reduce/eliminate the use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and the use of violent behavior by young people.
The 5th Grade D.A.R.E. program is the first in a series of three components (the other two are 9th and 11th Grade programs).

Lt. Mullins stated the 5th Grade Program is directed toward developing the capacities needed to enable students to take charge of their lives with particular emphasis on substance use and abuse.

The objectives include:
• Understanding the physical, emotional, social and legal risks and effects of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and inhalants (ATOD) on their developing brains and bodies.
• Comparing and contrasting the normative beliefs of peers in their classroom with national data about teen use of ATOD and revise their understanding about how many peers do not use ATOD.
• Expanding their knowledge about a variety of positive things to do in school and community (pro-social behavior) that do not involve the use of ATOD.
• Understanding what refusal strategies, sound communication skills, and assertiveness and resistance skills are and be able to apply them in a developmentally appropriate way in a variety of life-like situations.

Lt. Mullins then provided the D.A.R.E. 10 lesson curriculum that the children will be participating in during the school year. Photo provided the HHPD. ###

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