Fit to Breathe

On January 31 and February 1 and 10, 2007, every member of the Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department performed their annual respirator fit test. Firefighters authorized to enter smoke-filled structures using “air tanks” test the seal of their mask annually.

The Department used a PertaCount machine that connected two hoses to the mask -- one to measure the air particles in the room and the other to measure the air particles inside the mask -- with the difference measured.

During this eight to nine minute test, the firefighter performs a series of simple exercises such as smile & frown a couple of times, breathe heavily, turn head side to side slowly, turn head up and down slowly, read out loud, etc. The test does not require any exertion.

A confidential, comprehensive, written OSHA mandatory respirator medical evaluation questionnaire is also completed at this time. At the conclusion of the test, a print-out is made and attached to the questionnaire.

If a firefighter fails this test, the firefighter is not allowed to go into a smoke-filled building using that respirator. A new respirator may be required and the test may be retaken.

The test conducted at the HHFD was performed by Examinetics, the OSHA sub-contractor. Bill Beckmann was the test operator. The cost of the test is paid for by the Borough.
This OSHA-mandated standard test is performed annually by every firefighter in the United States. ###

Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department un-Official web-site

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