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Photos by Fritz Rethage

Green Eggs & Ham

Donning the red and white stovepipe hats they made, students at the Corpus Christi Early Learning Center enjoyed a breakfast of green eggs and ham on March 2, 2006.

Students and teachers celebrated the Ninth Annual Read Across America Day -- which would have been the 102nd birthday of the late Theodor Seuss Geisel, known and loved worldwide as Dr. Seuss.

The stovepipe hat is a tribute to the beloved children’s author’s signature character, in the 223 rhymed words "Cat in the Hat" (1957). "Green Eggs and Ham" (1960), with a vocabulary of just 50 words, is the third largest selling book in the English language. ###

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Some of the older Corpus Christi students reading to the younger students. This photo by James Santangelo


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