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Photos by Fritz Rethage  © All Rights Reserved

Senior-Citizens Leisure Club
Picnic at Woodland Park

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Seniors Enjoy Picnic

By Peter Gallo Jr.

Mother Nature played games at the Fifth Annual Senior Picnic. The day started off cloudy, and even a few drops of rain came down in the morning. But the rains held off. Throughout the afternoon, dark clouds played games with the Sun and in the end the Sun won out.

The senior citizens of Hasbrouck Heights always look forward to this day. The seniors appreciate the event hosted by the Mayor and Council. Borough Clerk Rose Marie Sees and her staff, as well as Rob Brady and his youth group, did an outstanding job of preparing and serving the food which consisted of hot dogs, sandwiches and salads.

The entertainment was provided by an old favorite of the VFW, Ron Anthony. He is a master of the keyboard, with an outstanding memory of the music familiar to all.

This was the perfect time to ask the senior residents the question of the day. What do you like about Hasbrouck Heights?

Joe Barnao, a resident for 52 years, feels that it’s a nice place to raise a family; Peg Walter, a resident for 48 years, praises the good programs for seniors as well as for the youth; 45 year resident Audrey Maisch feels that our location near major highways is ideal; 46 year resident Arashal Parseghian said it’s a nice place to live. Rose Kressaty who has lived here for 43 years and Anita Krieger who has been here for 50 years both stated that the citizens are friendly; 56 year residents Dot and John Fitzin praised the Police Department, Fire/Ambulance volunteers and DPW for the great work they do; 40 year resident Vera Starke praised the many activities for seniors as well as the senior center.

Peter Greco, 55 year resident, applauded the services the Borough offers; and Lois Hettel who has lived here for 55 years, commented on how cooperative and friendly the citizens and the members of her church have always been. Finally, Grace Harmon who has resided here for 70 + years stated that the thought of leaving Hasbrouck Heights never entered her mind.

Many other senior citizens expressed their opinions about what they like about Hasbrouck Heights. They all coincide with the feelings already expressed. To sum up, Hasbrouck Heights is a good place to live and raise a family. ###


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