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NJ DOT Plans to Upgrade
Route 17 Intersections

in pdf format [Williams Avenue] [Franklin Avenue] [Union Avenue] [Highland Cross]

On July 26, 2006, the Department of Transportation (DOT) held a public forum regarding Route 17 at the Hasbrouck Heights Municipal Council Chambers.The purpose was to inform local residents, officials and the business community about the proposed construction on Route 17 at the following signalized intersections: Williams Avenue, Franklin/Malcolm, Union Avenue and Highland Cross. DOT has identified these intersections as problem areas.The meeting provided an opportunity to examine plans and exhibits. NJDOT staff was available to answer questions and comments from the public. The proposed Route 17 intersection improvements are in response to the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission’s 2004 Master Plan, which indicates significant growth and development over the next decade. Plans include widening/reconfiguring at intersections, construction of auxiliary lanes, modifying shoulders, ramps and new traffic signal equipment.The estimated costs for reconfiguring the four intersections are $12,000,000. The project would be funded by the state Transportation Trust Fund.Estimated construction will start in the winter of 2007 and be completed in the winter of 2008 or the spring of 2009. The project began in 2005.The intersection improvement project proposed is basically repaving and restriping the existing highway. DOT officials stated that the goal is to increase traffic capacity -- traffic flow by reducing congestion and wait time at signals.No heavy construction, new roadbeds, no overpasses or intersections will be created, nor will any traffic signals be removed.The project does not address the sewer connections between Franklin and Henry Street, or pedestrian friendly crossing at Williams Avenue for the Teterboro Train Station.The project does not include Hasbrouck Heights Route 17 flooding issues in these areas. (DOT stated than another project, estimated at $650,000 and to be awarded in 2008, would specifically address the flooding under the Route 17 NJ Transit overpass in East Rutherford/Rutherford. That project will incorporate additional inlets and new pipe systems.)Residents expressed concern that the minimizing of the shoulder along the Hasbrouck Heights Route 17 Business District would cause safety problems.Local officials stated that the project did not address the real problem of Route 17 -- the section between Lodi to the Route 4 intersection. They also expressed doubts that the intersection reconfigurations would address the expected increased traffic due to planned Meadowlands developments.The DOT officials, engineers and consultants present expressed confidence that these improvements will the address traffic service levels in these areas until 2015.

They stated that another study to look at Route 17 from Route 3 to Suffern, NY is being considered.

The Proposed Project.

The project includes safety and capacity improvements to four intersections, between Route 3 to the south and Route 46 to the north, which are described as follows:

Williams Avenue: Construction of an auxiliary lane on Route 17 southbound to provide four travel lanes through the intersection, by widening into the median to preserve the existing outer pavement edges, including new traffic signal equipment. Route 17 northbound will provide three travel lanes through the intersection and a dedicated left turn lane, by widening the outer pavement edge. Williams Avenue will not be impacted.

Franklin Avenue and Malcolm Avenue: Construction of an auxiliary lane in each direction along Route 17 to provide four travel lanes through the intersection, by converting existing outside shoulders while preserving the outer pavement edges. Included will be new traffic signal equipment, with a new traffic signal on Malcolm Avenue prior to the NJ Transit railroad crossing, and widening/ reconfiguration of Malcolm and Franklin Avenues.

Union Avenue: Construction of an auxiliary lane in each direction along Route 17 to provide four travel lanes through the intersection, by converting existing outside shoulders while preserving the outer pavement edges including new traffic signal equipment. Union Avenue will not be impacted.

Highland Cross: Construction of the auxiliary lane in each direction along Route 17 to provide four travel lanes through the intersection, by widening into the median to preserve the existing outer pavement edges. Included will be new traffic signal equipment, widening/reconfiguration of Highland Cross and Meadow Road. A retaining wall will be constructed to minimize or eliminate the proposed right-of-way acquisition from a Rutherford-owned parcel.

Intersection drawings in pdf format that were provided by DOT
[Williams Avenue] [Franklin Avenue] [Union Avenue] [Highland Cross]


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