Oak Grove Gets Repaved

Oak Grove Avenue was repaved for its entire length and was the only street repaved this year. The contract was for $221,151.54. The Borough is in the process of reviewing change orders in the approximate amount of $34,000.00 to replace existing curb cuts.

This project was funded by a bond ordinance in the amount of $325,000.00 with $235,000.00 in State of NJ Department of Transportation Funds and the remaining $90,000.00 from Municipal Funds.

This project required that all curb cuts include a detectable warning surface. This requirement applies to the 39 existing curb cuts as well as any new cuts to be installed. Also, any existing curb cut that does not meet current standards must be replaced.

As with any repaving project the manholes must be raised. In the case of Oak Grove Avenue, it was found that approximately 12 of the castings were deteriorated and in need of replacing.

As with any repaving, no sidewalks, curbs or driveway aprons were replaced unless damaged by the construction.

Hasbrouck Heights does not have a street schedule for 2007 yet, and they are working on the budget and capital plan now.

They have, however, applied for grant funds to repave Madison Avenue from the Boulevard to Terrace and Division Avenue from The Boulevard to Terrace. Paving parts of Central Avenue as part of the parking lot improvement is also planned. ###

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