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Photo by Fritz Rethage  ·  Posted June 29, 2006

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(l-r) Borough Council President Thomas Meli, Ann Lustberg, Marie Morales, Liz Moser, Jason Cosimano, Otterstedt Insurance Agency, Raymond Vorisek, Heights Flower Shoppe, Mary Ellen Courtney, Gateway Realtors and Acting DPW Superintendent William Spindler.

Boulevard Bloomers Recognized 2006

The Hasbrouck Heights Garden Club and planter sponsors were recognized for their efforts during the Mayor and Council Meeting on May 23, 2006.

Participating Garden Club members received certificates. A plaque honoring sponsors was presented and will be located at the Municipal Complex.

The "Boulevard in Bloom" program was initiated by the Garden Club on October 17, 2005 when, after considerable research and planning, they presented their program to the Hasbrouck Heights Chamber of Commerce and Borough officials.

To launch this Boulevard beautification endeavor, Gateway Realtors, Otterstedt Insurance Agency and Heights Flower Shoppe seeded the program by generously purchasing 30 flower pots.

On Saturday, May 6th at the DPW yard, the Hasbrouck Heights Garden Club and the DPW prepared 40 fiberglass planters with mulch, soil and plantings.

On Sunday morning, May 7th, the planters were put into position along The Boulevard by the DPW.

The DPW has agreed to water the plants during the season. The DPW will store the planters during the winter and the program will continue in 2007.

Although 40 planters were installed in May, the Garden Club and the Chamber of Commerce encourage businesses, clubs and residents to sponsor additional planters in 2006. The program runs from May and continues until November.

Cost is $150 each and includes the fiberglass pot, soil, mulch and plantings.

Call Maria at 201-288-3111, Ann at 201-288-3956 or Ray at 201-288-5464 for more information. ###  {Related story: The Boulevard Blooms]


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