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Photo by Fritz Rethage  ·    Posted November 30, 2005

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Melissa Singlevich, Mike Conti and Mel Glazer

Frank Sinatra Fans Delighted

Entertainment-wise, area residents had a groovy time with inside stories about Frank Sinatra and his friends. They heard his songs and the stories behind them.

The presentation "Frank Sinatra as seen through the eyes and ears of a songwriter -- Mel Glazer," was held at the Library on Saturday, November 5, 2005.

This program looked at Sinatra’s singing style, technique, and legacy to illuminate what set him apart from other popular singers of his era.

The audience traveled the streets of Hoboken in the 1920’s, where Sinatra experienced the ills of poverty and prejudice. Glazer propelled those attending through the highs and lows, the laughter and the tears of the greatest popular singer of all time.

Frank Sinatra has special meaning to the residents of Hasbrouck Heights because he and his family lived here in town during his early career.

Several residents brought their memorabilia to the program and shared their collections of local Sinatra history at the end of the program.

As a raconteur, songwriter, lecturer, and university instructor, Mel Glazer interacted with the audience in a stimulating program that let them get to know the man from a wonderfully fresh perspective, personally and professionally. ###

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" The Voice Collection"

Frank Sinatra memorabilia, from the extensive collection of long-time local resident and devoted fan Mike Conti, was on display during November at the HH Free Public Library. Among the items displayed were photographs, scrapbooks, record albums, song sheets, etc. ###


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