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Posted July 17, 2005  ·   Photos by Fritz Rethage

Senior-Citizens Leisure Club
Picnic at Woodland Park

Each year in July, since the year 2000, the Mayor and Council have hosted a picnic for the senior citizens of Hasbrouck Heights. This year was no exception.

With four years of past experience behind them, the borough’s staff made sure that this year’s affair would be the best ever.

They created the atmosphere of an old fashioned picnic. They selected the desirable food, drink and entertainment which are always a big hit with the seniors.

The seniors provide the appetites, the camaraderie, and the enjoyment of being out with their friends and neighbors.

Despite the heat and humidity, Woodland Park was comfortable for the large gathering.

In a small borough like ours, news travels fast. When it involves a free picnic for seniors, it travels even faster. Approximately one hundred fifty seniors attended. After all, who doesn’t love a picnic in the park?

Why do picnics attract so many people? Why do groups want to hold a picnic in the park?

We asked the senior citizens present to give the advantages of having a picnic in the park. Here are some of their answers.

Peg Walter said that by having it here you don’t have to worry about not enough space for all the guests.

Lois Hettel enjoyed that someone else was responsible for buying the food.

Herb Takakjian liked the fact that you can dress casual.

Marion Davidowicz said she would take this anytime over watching TV.

Connie Stanzione liked the fact that she wasn’t responsible for the clean up afterward.

Elizabeth Kress and Joseph Bombacie were happy that they didn’t have to do the cooking.

Dolores Jones was glad she didn’t have to make up the guest list.

Dorothy Fitzin enjoyed being served.

Rose Berardo said that this is a good way to have fun without traveling far.

John Fitzin said that by having it here, you know that your neighbors can’t complain if this gets too loud.

Ed Sosnowski echoed the feeling of the majority of seniors that it’s fun to be out with your peers. Jerry Hackel’s only complaint was that the restroom facilities were limited.

Mayor Ronald Jones felt that the picnic was a great way to meet new people and see those you haven’t seen for a long time. It was also a way of saying "thank you" to the seniors for their many years of contributions to our community.

Borough Clerk Rosemarie Sees and her staff did an outstanding job of preparing and serving the food and providing the entertainment.

The Music Man – Peter Lieberman has always been a favorite of the seniors. He played music for dancing and familiar music for a singalong. Story by Peter Gallo Jr. ###

2004 [Photos]
2003 Photos [First group][Second group]
2002 [Photos]
2001 Photos [First group] [Second group]

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Entertainment was provided by Peter Liberman

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Catering was provided by Henry's Meat & Delicatessen

2004 [Photos]
2003 Photos [First group][Second group]
2002 [Photos]
2001 Photos [First group] [Second group]

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