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Photos by Fritz Rethage
Editors Note:  There were too many "great displays" to post on this site.

Halloween Doors & Lampposts 2005

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More Halloween Fun ...

Halloween 2007
Seniors Haunted Halloween Party
2007 Window Painting

Halloween 2005
Trunk or Treat [1][2]
Seniors Haunted Halloween Party
Halloween in the Park -- Haunted Hayride [1][2]
Decorations [Inflatables][Yards][Spooky][Doors & Lampposts]
2005 Ragamuffin Parade [Group 1][Group 2][@ [Municipal Complex]
2005 Window Painting [Group 1][Group 2][Group 3] [Winners]

Halloween 2004
2004 Window Painting Random Selections [1] [2] [Winners]
2004 Ragamuffin Parade [Group 1] [Group 2]
Decorations [Spooky][Doors & Lamppost][Inflatables][Banners]
Halloween in the Park -- Haunted Hayride

Halloween 2003

2003 Window Painting Random Selections [1][2][Winners]
2003 Ragamuffin Parade [1][2][3][4]
2003 Decorations [Spooky] [Pumpkin-fest] [Nightime & Inflatables]

Halloween 2002
2002 Window Painting Random Selections
[Group 1] [Group 2] [Group 3] [Group 4][Winners]
2002 Ragamuffin Parade [Photos][More Parade Photos]
2002 Decorations [Group 1][Group 2]

Halloween 2001

2001 Window Painting Random Selections[1][2][Winners]
2001 Ragamuffin Parade [Photos][More Parade Photos]
2001 Decorations [Day] [Night]

Halloween 2000
2000 Window Painting - [Random selections][Winners]
2000 Ragamuffin Parade [Photos]
2000 [Halloween Decorations]

Halloween 1999
1999 Window Painting Winners [1][2][3]
[Displays] [Window Painting] [Kids dressed for fun]

Halloween Safety Tips
More Halloween Safety Tips


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