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Photo by Fritz Rethage   ·    Posted October 5, 2004

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Masonic Learning Center Opens

32 º Masonic Learning Center For Children held its ribbon cutting ceremony on Saturday, October 2, 2004.  The center was then opened to the public for tours from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Light refreshments were served.

The center is located at the site of the old Hasbrouck Heights Free Public Library at the corner of Division and Burton Ave. -- which after 80 years -- moved to new facilities at 320 Boulevard.

Euclid Lodge #136, Free and Accepted Masons of NJ  located at 200 Division Avenue & Boulevard requested from the Mayor and Council that the empty facility be used for this learning center. 

The generosity and spirit of Mr. Edward Black the donor of "little white house on the corner" was remembered. The Deed of gift from Mr. Black was crystal clear "the building was to be used for "educational purposes" if not, the building would revert back to the Black family. The Black family gave their permission for the change of use. 

During the opening ceremonies, members of the Lodge were recognized for donating the money and many hours in renovations to make the building suitable for this learning center.

The Director of the Center is Maria Torres-Kimmins. This center is one of several in the State of New Jersey sponsored by the Masons and dedicated to serving students with dyslexia.

Dyslexia is an inherited neurological disorder that affects the way people learn to read and speak as well as how they process things mathematically. Some of the world's most famous artists, innovators and leaders were and are dyslexic, including Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Agatha Christie, William Hewlitt, Winston Churchill, Tom Cruise, Cher, Jay Leno, and Charles Schwab.

Dyslexia affects one out of every five people, and affects boys and girls in equal numbers. Children left with untreated dyslexia often suffer devastating personal consequences. It is the number one reason teenagers drop out of school, and is a primary factor in juvenile delinquency. Research reveals that children with untreated dyslexia can become underachieving adults unable to contribute to society at their fullest capacity.

Dyslexia is, however, a treatable condition. Children with dyslexia need professional help, and the earlier they receive it, the greater their chances of achieving normal, fully functional lives.

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