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Photos by Fritz Rethage  -- Posted September 4, 2004

Bill O'Shea's 9th Annual
Good Neighbor Day 2004

Good Neighbor Day began 8 a.m. on a very bright and sunny September 1, 2004.  Hundreds of dozens roses were given away absolutely free on a first come first served basis. For the ninth consecutive year, Bill O’Shea’s Florist, at 109 Boulevard (at the Circle), in Hasbrouck Heights, NJ sponsored Good Neighbor Day in the region.  No purchase was necessary.

Area residents were also Good Neighbors by bringing basic non-perishable food items such as juice, cereal, canned goods, pasta, baby food, etc. for Center For Food Action (CFA), the non-profit food center that has served our area’s needy since 1976. This year about
243 bags of food were collected plus cash donations.

Good Neighbor Day is a day designated for people to meet and get to know their neighbors. Several "neighbors" shared stories of previous Good Neighbor Days and how their passing out the roses had affected their meeting their neighbors. All visitors were asked to keep one rose for themselves and to give the other 11 roses away to 11 different people and in so doing, help create a friendlier, more caring and compassionate community. A rose is the perfect expression of friendship and love.

Media coverage included Channel 10 News, which aired this story that evening.

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[Group 2 Photos]

Previous Good Neighbor Days
Good Neighbor Day 2003 [First Group] [Second Group][CFA & News Channel 12]
Good Neighbor Day 2002 [Photos][More photos][Story][Rose Heck gets Accolades]
Good Neighbor Day 2001 [Photos][Photos of participants][Story]
Good Neighbor Day 2000 Photos [Story][Gallery 1][Gallery2][Gallery 3]
Good Neighbor Day 1999 Photos [Gallery 1][Gallery 2][Gallery 3]
Relate links:   Bill O'Shea's Florist    Center For Food Action


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