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Food Drive Big Success
SCOUTS FOOD DRIVE A SUCCESS Once again, the Hasbrouck Heights Community demonstrated their generosity by the support they gave to the annual "Scouting for Food" drive. Boy Scout leader Jim Toronto who supervised the distribution of the appeal notices and the collection of the food was thrilled with the response. More the 2,000 shopping bags filled with food for the needy were collected. Scout leader Toronto was also appreciative for the many groups who helped in all phases of the project. Kiwanis members stapled the appeal notices to the 4000 bags that were distributed. Members of the cub scouts, brownies, their adult leaders, as well as members of Kiwanis, Knights of Columbus and Masons distributed the bags. The pick up was made by the boy scouts, girl scouts, their leaders and parents and representative of the Kiwanis, Knights of Columbus and Masons. The bags were donated by Shop Rite of Hasbrouck Heights thanks to the efforts of Mary Ann Focarino and Mary Ann Donohue. Kiwanis President Colleen Jarvis stated "This type of cooperation shows that many community organizations can work together for the welfare of others." She also reminded all that this is National Autism Awareness Month, a time to be aware of the many people with special needs. She urges all citizens to continue their compassion by supporting the "Rainbow Summer Day Program" solicitation. ####
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