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Photos by Fritz Rethage

Teachers Breakfast

On September 4, 2001 at 8:00 a.m., the combined staff of the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education met for an introduction breakfast at the Jr. Sr. High School cafeteria.

The Superintendent of Schools Mr. Joseph C. Luongo introduced Mayor William Torre, Board of Education members, various school officials and
the new employees.

Speakers included Assemblywoman Rose Marie Heck, BOE President Mrs. Joyce Powell and
Business School Administrator Joseph Bellino

After the breakfast, the staff
adjourned to the High School Auditorium where the Superintendent provided the new and updated rules, regulations and policies for the new school year.


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Superintendent of Schools Mr. Joseph C. Luongo

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Assemblywoman Rose Marie Heck speaking with the staff.

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BOE President Mrs. Joyce Powell

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Business School Administrator Joseph Bellino

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