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Photos by Fritz Rethage

Science Exchange & Exposition 2002
Held at Euclid & Lincoln Schools

Euclid and Lincoln  Elementary Schools presented their Annual Science Exchange Programs. Children prepared and displayed a hands-on science project of their choice in the areas of physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, astronomy, meteorology and geology.

The Science Exchange was a great opportunity for children to question, explore, plan, predict, experiment and formulate conclusions about their world -- and share that information with the community.

Euclid School (February 4 & 5), 6th Annual, 155 children participated
PTA Science Committee:
Valerie Simpson & Ileana Toledo (Chairpersons), Lisa Barral, Lillian Buffone, Pat Grossano, Cindy Stinson, Ginnine Tattoli, Teresa Valente, Maria Wejciechowski and Anna Zofchak.
Principal: Mr. Jack Palma

Lincoln School (January 29), 10th Annual, , 145 children participated
PTA Science Committee:
Kim Sciancalepore (Chairperson), Debbie Loughlin, Linda Byrne, Marilyn Bowen, Louise Bowman, Ana Mastropietro, Phyllis Careri, Camille Leventhal, Barre Pankiw, Maria Reiner and Maureeen Wrede
Principal: Mrs. Lauren Schoen

Note: Just a few random selections are posted from the hundreds of interesting displays exhibited.

Euclid Elementary School

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2001 Exposition

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