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Hasbrouck Heights
Kiwanis Club --

Kiwanis International []


The Kiwanis International Foundation ‘s two most prestigious awards, the Tablet of Honor and the George F. Hixon Fellowship—hallmarks of Kiwanis loyalty have been presented to Peter J. Gallo, Jr., past president of the Kiwanis Club of Hasbrouck Heights.

Recipients of the tablet of Honor, the highest honor the Foundation can bestow on an individual, were honored at a dinner at the Kiwanis International Convention held in Denver, Colorado. The George F. Hixon Fellowship, honoring the first president of Kiwanis International, was presented to Mr. Gallo at the New Jersey District Kiwanis Convention held in Cape May, New Jersey.

A donation of $1,000 for each of these awards was made in Mr. Gallo’s behalf and designated for the Worldwide Service Project/Iodine Deficiency Disorders campaign.

This $2,000 contribution will help save 40,000 children from the scourge of Iodine Deficiency Disorders.

Mr. Gallo joined the Hasbrouck Heights Kiwanis Club in 1969 and has served as its president in 1973-74 and again in 1993-94. He served as Lieutenant Governor for the New Jersey District Kiwanis from 1994 till 1997. In 1997 his club honored him by awarding him Life Member Status.



The following is a schedule or our meetings for the next three months:

Thursday September 9 6:00 PM Crow’s Nest

Thursday September 23 6:00 PM Crow’s Nest

Thursday October 14 6:00 PM Crow’s Nest

Thursday October 28 6:00 PM Crow’s Nest

Thursday November 11 6:00 PM Crow’s Nest

Thursday November 18 6:00 PM Crow’s Nest (Holiday on 4th Thursday of month)


50/50 RAFFEL

Our 50/50 raffle took place on Wednesday, September 8th. Vincent Kane, President of the Chamber of Commerce, drew the winning number. The number drawn was 0218. The winner, Miss Laura Golenischew of Little Ferry, was presented a $770 check. She works at the Heights Flower Shoppe



Our annual night at the races is scheduled for Friday, October 8th. Please support this fundraiser. Marie Gallo is chairperson for this event.



Our new officers for the 1999 – 2000 fiscal year are:

President Vincent Costa

1st Vice President Colleen Jarvis

2nd Vice President Joseph Truncali

Secretary Peter Gallo

Treasurer Marie Gallo

Past President Joseph Costa



Rainbow Summer Day Program

March, 1999

Dear Neighbor:

You can make a difference in your community today.

Last year, five developmentally disabled youngsters went to summer camp, one for three weeks, two for four weeks and two for five weeks because of you. You made the difference to five families that are your friends and neighbors.

This year, you can make a difference again to five developmentally disabled youngsters who can go to summer camp because of you. You can make a difference right now. Your $5.00 and $10.00 contribution will allow five Hasbrouck Heights youngsters to spend six weeks at Ramapo College, and attend the Rainbow Summer Day Program.

This unique program will allow these children to participate in activities that meet their very unique needs. The cost is over $2,200.00 per child for six weeks. We are asking the community's help by passing the "proverbial" hat.

Please open your hearts with a contribution. Your "Hasbrouck Heights Kiwanis Club" is the 1999 soliciting agent. Make checks payable to the "Kiwanis/Rainbow Fund". Send your generous contribution today. On behalf of these families, we thank you for your heart warming support.

s/ Dr. Burnett Eglow
s/ Marie Gallo
s/ Colleen Jarvis

PS:  100% of your contribution will go to the Kiwanis/Rainbow Fund.
Printing of our community appeal has been donated by: SOUTH BERGEN SAVINGS BANK.
Distribution of our community appeal is compliments of: Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts.

Thank you for visiting our hometown.  Come back soon!
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