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Anthony Miele was installed as Faithful Navigator for the fourth degree assembly and Mark Cricco was installed as Grand Knight for the third degree council. They will each lead their groups. Anthony Miele was recently honored by the Archdiocese of Newark receiving the Jubilee Medal, Pro Meritus. This accolade is given for distinguished service to Corpus Christi Church. The ceremony took place at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark. Archbishop Theodore McCarrick himself presented the Jubilee Medal to Anthony and the other recipients. "It was a beautiful ceremony," said Anthony. "It was very impressive, and it was quite an honor to be there." Anthony is one of those essential parishioners who can always be counted on to help whenever needed. He is an Eucharistic minister who not only serves at his church but also goes to shut-ins who cannot attend Mass. He serves twice a month at Masses at the veterans home in Paramus, where he and his brother Frank help to wheel the disabled veterans in and out of the Mass area. Last year, Anthony and his brother Frank celebrated 50 years of service in the Knights of Columbus. At the same time, older brother, Joseph celebrated 60 years of service. The Knights of Columbus was organized in 1882 by Rev. Michael J. McGivney, in New Haven, Connecticut, under the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. Knights support church loyalty and defend family life. They promote Christian values in the home through programs of family prayer and family participation in parish liturgy. They donate to charity - for the needy, victims of disaster, homes for the aged, community projects, educational purposes etc. Last year, more than 1.6 million members volunteered over 55 million hours in community service.####
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