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Board of Trustees of the Free Public Library
of Hasbrouck Heights

[Board Minutes Index]

January 8, 2003

Pres. Tom Verrastro
Dir. Michele Reutty
Peter Gallo
Tom Meli
Maryetta Saccomano
Donna Mikulka
Lisa Traina

The meeting, duly advertised in compliance with the Sunshine Law, was called to order at 7:42 p.m. by Pres. T. Verrastro.

The minutes of the November and December 2002 meetings were approved as presented.

Public Portion:

Director's Report:
The date of moving to the new library is now set for sometime in the spring.

I have requested a more definitive date from the architects. If the date is later in the spring, we need to schedule some programs. If it is earlier, we need at least two month's notice in order to pack and prepare for moving. The architects have provided me with a shelving floor layout. We still have things to iron out about it.

I attended my first meeting as a member of the Board of Governors of the Masonic 32nd Degree Learning Center. They are assessing how much it will cost to bring this building up to the level that will serve their needs.

I attended the Mayor and Council meeting, on the first Sunday of the new year.

Board members Joanne Serraino and Donna Mikulka were each appointed for another year's term and Maryetta Saccomano has been appointed for five years.

Children's Librarian Rosalie Nickles is working closely with Pat Grossano of Euclid School on a Kindness Day project, which will provide the new Library with 300 books. She will pick out the books. Maria Maloupis will compile a database complete with pictures of the books with title, author, and ordering information. Then the families will be able to select the book they will buy at the average book price of $15. The books will be ordered and when we are in the new Library we will have a party for all concerned and have the students put bookplates in the books saying that they donated the book. Lincoln School has indicated that they would like to sponsor a similar program.

Board of Education member Rich Parodi has indicated that there may be some sort of grant that would provide the high school and public libraries with IBM clone computers. Details to follow.

Committee Reports:


The Board agrees to accept the resignation of page Jessica Vergottini and the appointment of Jessica Ibrahim as her replacement.

-Motion: P. Gallo
-Second: M. Saccomano

T. Meli and M. Reutty will meet at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday 1/16/03.

Date of new Library opening needs to be defined.

Old Business:
Plaque for M. Cherrico will be ordered this month.

New Business:
Reorganization of the Board:
The Board appoints T. Verrastro as President, and T. Meli as Treasurer.
-Motion: P. Gallo
-Second: L. Traina

The Board appoints D. Mikulka as Secretary.
-Motion: L. Traina
-Second: M. Saccomano

The Secretary casts a single unanimous vote for the following slate:
Budget Committee: T. Meli, Chair, L. Traina, T. Verrastro

Building Committee: T. Verrastro, Chair, P. Gallo, T. Meli, M. Saccomano, L. Traina

Personnel Committee: P. Gallo, Chair, D. Mikulka, M. Saccomano, J. Serraino

Ad Hoc Fundraising Com: T. Meli - Businesses
M. Reutty - Events
M. Saccomano - Events
L. Traina - Events
T. Verrastro - Personal

The Board approves the reorganization slate as presented.
-Motion: P. Gallo
-Second: M. Saccomano

The next meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on February 12, 2003.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Donna Mikulka, Secretary


Laser color copies are available at Minuteman Press (Boulevard & Franklin, Hasbrouck Heights).

DISCLAIMER: The information presented herewith is representative of the official minutes which may be obtained at the Free Public Library during regular business hours.  The management and advertisers neither endorse nor are responsible for the content herein.  Not responsible for typographical errors. Editors note: Due to technical difficulty, some text is missing from these documents. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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