The Board of Education serves as a legislative or
policy-making body with the Superintendent of Schools
as chief executive officer. The board meets regularly at 8:00 p.m. on the last Thursday of
each month in the Dr. Burnett Eglow Media Center, 365 Boulevard. All meetings are open to
the public. Administration Building
- 379 Boulevard Euclid School -
Kindergarten through Grade 5 - 1 Burton Avenue Lincoln School -
Kindergarten - Grade 5 - Burton and Paterson Ave Junior Senior High School
- Grades 6 - 12 -365 Boulevard
School Closing - Delayed Opening A delayed opening of schools will be instituted in some cases of inclement weather. Classes at all levels will commence at 10:00 a.m. on a delayed opening day. Radio stations in the metropolitan area (WOR, WINS, WCBS, WVNJ, WABC) will announce school closings and delayed openings beginning at 6:30 a m.. Information on local school closings or delayed openings can also be obtained by calling 288-1848. Parents are urged to use the local telephone number and listen to announcements. Please do not phone the Police Department for closing information. To check for school cancellations: School Nurses
Kindergarten Entrance To be admitted to kindergarten, a child must be five years of age by October 1, of the current year. Registration of kindergarten children is held in the spring with the late registration on the day school opens in September. Parents of each entering student must present a copy of the childs birth certificate, the record of contagious diseases, and the dates of vaccination, inoculations and immunizations. DPT and polio vaccinations must be given after the childs fourth birthday. A physical and dental examination is also necessary. Immunization must be presented before or on the first day of school. Those not in compliance will not be able to attend until the regulations are met.
Guidance and Counseling
215 Kipp Avenue 201-288-0614 fax 201-288-8332 Corpus Christi Parish Offices and Center 218 Washington Place 201-288-4844 Corpus Christi has long offered to the community of Hasbrouck Heights the many opportunities and advantages of Catholic Education. Catholic Education is a gift of the teachings of Jesus, of values, morals, roots, traditions and academic excellence. Originally the Sisters of Charity staffed Corpus Christi School. Through the work of these religious educatiors and lay staff members, Corpus Christi School has grown and continues to share the teachings of our Catholic faith. All children entering Pre-Kindergarten must be four years old on or before October l of the current year. All children entering Kindergarten must be five years old on or before October 1 of the current year. The following documents must be presented at the time of all new registrations: 1. Copy of the child's birth certificate. 2. Copy of the child's baptismal certificate and verification of reception of any additional Sacraments, if Catholic. 3. Copy of the child's most recent Report Card and Standardized test scores. A non-refundable registration fee is due at the time of registration as well as a non-refundable Computer fee for grades 1 - 8. After the child has been registered, a health form will be received. This form is to be completed and signed by the child's physician and returned as soon as possible. If any additional information or questions, please call the school office Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. at (201)-288-0614.Other Hasbrouck Heights Schools are as follows: Connecticut School Of Broadcasting Inc. - 288-5800 Kathy Dunn Cultural Center - 288-8861 Kumon Center Of Math - 288-3459 Methodist Nursery School - 288-4636 New World Montessori - 288-7667 PC Learning Center - 288-7900