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Board of Trustees of the Free Public Library
of Hasbrouck Heights

[Board Minutes Index]

December 18, 2002

Pres. Tom Verrastro
Dir. Michele Reutty
Tom Meli
Donna Mikulka
Maryetta Saccomano
Peter Gallo
Lisa Traina

The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Pres. T. Verrastro.
This meeting was duly advertised in compliance with the Sunshine Law.
The reading of the minutes was postponed till next month.

Public Portion:

Director's Report:
Carolyn Kravatsky's baby girl, Betty Ruth Alice, was born on November 26th. Carolyn is on family leave.

I have had two meetings with the architects concerning library shelving. Our architects have indicated that the grand opening will be in March.

I have been giving those who wish to bid on moving the collection a quick 15 minute run-through to show what it is that we need moved (our collection) and what we and the DPW will move (everything else except the furniture and the computers.)

A meeting was held with CFO Michael Kronyak, to discuss the Library's contribution to the cost of the building, as the thrust of the fundraising has changed from a Building Fund to an endowment. It was decided that the Endowment Fund will pay for the initial cost of adding the PC's and workstations.

Friends Membership Chairperson Eileen Reid retired almost a year ago, and someone must be appointed to fill this position. A fitting tribute will be discussed at the reorganization meeting of the Friends, tentatively set for January 21 at 7:00 p.m. at the Library.

I would like to invite Accountant Marty Chirico to the January meeting to receive a plaque acknowledging his help in setting up the Endowment account.

Children's Room programming will be on hiatus until the new Library opens, so that we can prepare for the move. One of our last activities was to build a Castle float and accompany it with the Story Hour and Teen Read children in the Holiday Parade. The flatbed truck for the float was supplied by Bill Lennox.

The Teen Read program will continue till February. Ms. Hui's last seminar, on entrepreneurship, has been postponed till January 14th. This will be the last adult program until we move.

In the near future, BCCLS will provide a program to train new ESL tutors, as we presently receive more requests for these services than we have tutors.

Children's Librarian Rosalie Nickles and I served at the State Library Table at the League of Municipalities Conference in Atlantic City. It is always worth using our personal time since we hear so many stories from Mayors, Council members and public officials concerning their positive experiences with libraries and librarians.

I attended a seminar on Legal Issues of Hiring and Firing. It was conducted by a labor attorney who represents employers only, so the information was valuable.

As the year ends I want to express my gratitude for the Staff, Friends and Board that make this library the great institution that it is. I get to see other libraries in my travels throughout the state and we are doing a great job here, and will do an even better one when we move to our new home.

Committee Reports:

We will advertise for the Administrative Assistant Position.

The Board allows Dir. M. Reutty to carry over some of her vacation time to the first week of January, 2003.

-Motion: D. Mikulka
-Second: T. Meli

Committee has met. Dir. M. Reutty is working on figures to maintain new Library building, according to the Committee's recommendations.

The cupola has been installed. Opening is scheduled for March.

Old Business:

New Business:

The next meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on January 8, 2003.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Donna Mikulka, Secretary


Laser color copies are available at Minuteman Press (Boulevard & Franklin, Hasbrouck Heights).

DISCLAIMER: The information presented herewith is representative of the official minutes which may be obtained at the Free Public Library during regular business hours.  The management and advertisers neither endorse nor are responsible for the content herein.  Not responsible for typographical errors. Editors note: Due to technical difficulty, some text is missing from these documents. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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