Posted August 28, 2004  ·   Photos by Fritz Rethage  ·   [HHFD Index]

Mass Decontamination
[Group 1 photos][Group 3 photos]

037.jpg (62311 bytes)
Opening, fastening and rolling up tarps for two extended ladders.

040.jpg (49807 bytes)  044.jpg (47400 bytes)

042.jpg (62973 bytes)  046.jpg (56875 bytes)

050.jpg (52903 bytes)
Setting up both ladder/tarps across pumpers.

054.jpg (52093 bytes)

051.jpg (55450 bytes)
Lowering tarps.

060.jpg (40130 bytes)
Setting up a ladder between the tarp/ladders and attaching hoses.

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Positioning  a third tarp across the complete configuration.

067.jpg (40038 bytes)

071.jpg (61461 bytes)
Instructor Larry Rauch providing additional commentary.

081.jpg (39616 bytes)
Inspecting the configuration and water pressure.

085.jpg (26996 bytes)
Victims disrobe and enter on one side, wash off contaminates and exit the other side.

[Group 1 photos][Group 3 photos]


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