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Hasbrouck Heights Public Schools
Superintendent’s Report
June 25, 1998

Junior-Senior High School
The 1997-98 school year has come to a rapid close. A variety of activities and awards ceremonies involving many of our students. Some of the most notable events included the following:
A) Arts and Technology Fair
B) Band Awards Dinner
C) Parents For Athletes Dinner
D) Masonic Awards Dinner for the Top Ten Seniors
E) Senior Scholarships and Awards Program
F) Bergen County Teen Arts Festival
G) Governor’s Award Luncheon
H) Valedictorian Breakfast

Many of our students, including seniors and underclassmen, were acknowledged this year for their performance in a number of academic areas, such as English composition, Science, Journalism, and Mathematics. These awards, coupled with continued success in the standardized tests such as EWT and HSPT, reflect the commitment of the staff and the student body to ongoing academic excellence.

On June 3,1998 Mrs. Czekaj's Shakespeare Honors class presented an original play, Much Ado About Shakespeare, to the eighth grade. Written, produced and directed and performed by the class, this play was the culmination of their year of studying Shakespeare.

Sophomore Michael K. is the state winner in the PTA Cultural Arts Reflections essay contest. Mr. Eggmann has been organizing a program to introduce Foreign Language into first grade. On Thursday, May 21st, the Italian Club, under the direction of Mrs. Washburn, held their annual trip to New York City to visit the Institute of Italian Culture on Park Avenue. Students in Mrs. Carr's class wrote a skit and videotaped it. They then viewed the tape to correct their grammar and pronunciation. The 1997-98 College Chemistry class was very rewarding for the 14 students who participated this year. Under the direction of Mr. Sayer, the students attended four college based lessons at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

The Environmental Science Club has raised enough money to save approximately 10.4 acres of rainforest land in Ecuador.

Congratulations to Jonathan S. and Joseph T. for winning the Notable Order of Vocational Achievement Awards.

On Tuesday, June 9th, Mr. Metelski's 6th grade science classes were visited by Dr. Cathy Tuohy. who reinforced many of the aspects of the students recent studies regarding human biology. Sixth graders learned an aspect of crime prevention as they witness a visit by drug sniffing dogs. Technology 6 students tested their boomerangs and parachutes for success. Technology 7 students have completed their barges and have tested them for success. Technology 8 students completed their bridge project and have tested their bridges for success.

The fifth grade students toured Middle Level to view classes in action and see their new teachers. Mrs. Alves, Middle Level Guidance Counselor, explained Middle Level programs to the students and answered many questions.

The 6th and 7th grade raised over $2000 for St. Jude's Research Hospital for Children's Diseases.

The Instrumental Music Program has just completed a very successful and productive school year. With the addition of a 6th grade instrumental cycle, student enrollment has almost tripled relative to recent years.

The year end Art Show was held on Wednesday, May 20th in the high school cafeteria. Mrs. Reed's Photography class has created comic strips and have made prints that met pre-set themes. The Painting 1 class has completed their Cubism painting on a bottle. The Technology 9 class had to complete their egg challenge project by improving their first design and writing a log entry on it.

Mr. Fenster had the honor of introducing the top 11 seniors of the graduating class of 1998 at the Euclid Masonic Lodge Awards Ceremony held at the Lodge on June 5, 1998.

Daniel G. and Michael C., juniors, have won Xerox Awards for outstanding achievement in the humanities, social sciences, mathematics and science. The program is sponsored by the University of Rochester where they would be eligible for the Honors Program within the University and partial tuition scholarships.

As of June 15th, 88% of the senior class have indicated they will be attending a post secondary school next year. 61% of the students will be attending four year colleges in the Fall, 1998. 89% of the senior class participated in the college admissions standardized testing programs this year. This represents the largest percentage of seniors on record as having taken the SAT’s and ACT’s.

Euclid School
Fifth grade students participated in a culmination exercise on Friday, June 19th at the Kiefer Auditorium.

Euclid School students and staff enjoyed an exciting Field Day on Friday, May 29th. Events include relay races, long jump and softball throw. Special thanks to Mr. Minichiello for organizing the events of the day.

Kindergarten Orientation took place on Thursday, May 21st. Mr. Donnelly welcomed the parents and future students. Miss Klett and Mrs. Pantaleone spoke briefly about the curriculum and special events throughout the year.

Karen Della Fave, our school nurse was given this award at a special ceremony at Great Adventure Theme Park on Wednesday, June 17, 1998 for her work with Euclid School's Student Council Food Pyramid Food Drive in December, 1997.

Mrs. Cerasuolo conducted the Euclid School annual Spring Concert on Thursday, May 28th, featuring songs from Broadway shows.

The Euclid School PTA held its annual fifth grade picnic on Friday, June 12th. The children, accompanied by their teachers Mr. Dolan, Miss Visotsky and physical education teacher, Mr. Minichiello, walked down to Woodland Park where they were met by many fifth grade parents. Thank you to the PTA and all the parents who made this event such a success.

To celebrate the culmination of the school-wide reading incentive program "Book It", students had the opportunity to make their own ice cream sundaes, on Friday, June 5th.

School colors day was held on Friday, June 5th. Our Euclid Eagles showed their school spirit by wearing the black and gold school colors.

Our final faculty meeting of the year was held on June 1, 1998. The following agenda items were discussed: Teachers' Budgets, Yearly Scrapbook, Class Lists, Fire Drills, 4th Grade teachers; meeting, PIP's, Field Trips, Faculty Meetings and end of year suggestions.

The students in first and third grades were visited by Otto the Auto on June 4th. The program focused on pedestrian safety and reinforced important safety rules.

Fire Drills were held: May 21, 1998 -1 min. 50 sec; May 27, 1998 -1 min. 35 sec; June 8, 1998 -1 min. 30sec; June 9, 1998 -1min. 27 sec.

Our Euclid enrollment is 313.

Lincoln School
Congratulations to our fifth graders who were promoted on Thursday, June 18th. They have been given a strong foundation at Lincoln School. Best wishes for continued success as you move to the Middle Level.

The annual Spring Concert was held in the Kiefer Auditorium on Wednesday evening, June 3, 1998. The fourth and fifth grade chorus under the direction of Mrs. Sandy Cerasuolo sang "Lincoln Goes Broadway".

On June 2 Lincoln's fifth graders enjoyed a wonderful day at Woodland Park. They were able to play games and eat hot dogs, hamburgers and watermelon.

On Thursday, June 4, our fifth graders visited the Jr./Sr. High School where they received an orientation of the Middle Level.

Friday, June 12, was designated as "Red, White and Blue Day". Students, teachers and parents showed their patriotism by wearing our nation's colors.

A sunny June 18, was the setting for Lincoln's fifth grade promotion exercise. Many students received commendations for academic excellence, Safety Patrol, Attendance, Inventor's Club, Newspaper Club, Math Prime and Gifted and Talented.

Test results went home to parents on June 12th. Report cards along with class assignments were sent home to parents on the last day of school for students. The enrollment for Lincoln School as of June 19 is 368.

The number of students registered for kindergarten 1998 including retentions is 53.

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