Junior-Senior High School During this time of the year, contact between the school and the community is especially active, as we are completing our scheduling process for the next academic year. The process, which focuses primarily on course selection for the underclassmen, is a prime time for parental involvement, as their input is actively sought through a series of meetings and conferences. It is important for us to insure that the parents are kept abreast of the course selections available to the children, and also made aware of the requirements for graduation. It also provides an opportunity to assess parental attitudes, interests, and concerns. A number of seniors continue to challenge themselves, as they are in the final stages of the process required to prepare for Advanced Placement exams. These tests are given in the second and third weeks of May, and the seniors are just completing their practice exams, which are given as part of our Spring testing program. Mr. Eggmann and Mrs. Carr are preparing students for the AP French and Spanish exams by giving a practice test on April 20th. The actual AP Spanish exam and AP French exam will be given on May 8th and 9th respectively. Mr. Stine's AP Physics students have studied electromagnetism. Students have completed the third edition of The Pilot's Log. On May 10th, the staff of the Pilot's Log and their advisors, Mrs. Lora Geftic and Mr. Gary Pankiewicz, will be honored in Trenton at the Capital for their achievements this year. Three of the members of the communications class, Ryan M., Luke J. and Jeremy G. were instrumental in videotaping "Focus in Our Schools", a five minute videotape highlighting our wonderful scholastic and extra curricular programs, as well as our new building additions. To achieve the writing skills objective of the English curriculum, grades 6 through 12. The 6th grade teachers continue to require research and formal writing of their students. The United States history that all 8th grade students study will soon be very significant when they visit Washington DC on May 9th, 10th and 11th. The Student Council, Student Activities Club, and Peer Leaders collaborated in leading the Middle Level in a "celebration" of Kick Cigarette Butts Day which is an annual campaign to discourage young people from smoking. Accompanied by Mr. Grimaldi, Mrs. Stein conducted an Orientation Meeting for 5th grade parents. Approximately 75 students were represented. Mrs. Stein conducted an academic advisement meeting with grade 7 parents. Gym classes, under the direction of Mr. Delcalzo, participated in a "Hoops and Jump for the Heart program." Approximately two thousand dollars were sponsored from this event. Since we posted our last list of
senior college acceptances, members of the senior class have been offered admissions to
the following schools which are included in the list of the outstanding academic
institutions in the country. These schools include: Mrs. Stevenson met with Mrs. Czekaj's period 8 English class for three days discussing career plans, completing an application and doing hands-on research in the Media Center. As a continuing part of orientation activities, Mrs. Stevenson met with Cycle 9 Humanities class to deliver affective and academic information as part of guidance services. The college trip to Rutgers was scheduled for today, April 30th. College Open Houses and Scholarship lists along with Summer Programs have updated weekly and are posted in the Media Center, Guidance, and in the Main Hall. Every senior family has been mailed a packet of twenty-five scholarship forms and were requested to have their children apply for the many community scholarships that will be awarded at the Senior Awards Assembly on Tuesday, June 5, 2001 at 7:30 PM. Successful fire drills were held on March 28 and April 6, 2001. Total Student Enrollment as of
March 30, 2001 - 794 High School - 414; Middle Level - 380 Euclid School On April 12th, the Statewide Kindness Awareness Campaign notified Mr. McGovern that Euclid School had won the Heart of Gold Award for 2001. This award will be presented to Mr. McGovern and two of our Kindness Committee members on May 7th at the State House in Trenton. The regular monthly faculty meeting was held on Monday, April 2nd along with the staff from Lincoln School. Mrs. Eisenberg discussed classroom modifications for teachers to use before referring students and for classified students now in their classrooms. The Euclid School PTA held the annual School Carnival on Saturday, April 7th. A special thank you to Mrs. Zahn, Mrs. Kistner, from the PTA and their committee of parents for their work and ongoing support in making this event successful. Our PTA sold tickets to anyone interested in attending a hockey game at the Continental Arena in East Rutherford on Monday, April 2nd. All fans in attendance enjoyed the game between the Devils and the Chicago Blackhawks. Fire Drills Friday, April 6, 2001 Monday, April 16, 2001 The current enrollment at Euclid
School is 334 students, the breakdown is as follows 334 Lincoln School Under the direction of Mrs. Eileen LaTorre, Lincoln School's Inventors Club held its annual Invention Convention on March 22nd. We congratulate the following winners:1st Place: Kim B., Nicole O. and Sarah J.; 2nd Place: Blake E.; 3rd Place: Todd D.. On March 27th, Lincoln School's teaching staff held a highly successful "Student Recognition Night." The Lincoln School Annual Art Happening took place on April 9, 10, and 11. On Thursday, April 5th, we got the word that Lincoln School was going to be the proud recipient of the NBC 4 Jeep WeatherNet site. An all school Kindness Assembly was held on Thursday morning, April 12th, in the Lincoln School Gymnasium. On Friday, March 30th, faculty at both Lincoln and Euclid Schools had the opportunity to work together on creating rubrics in a content area of their choice. On March 20th, Miss Unglert, Mrs. McClean, Mrs. ten Berge, Mrs. Della Fave and Mrs. Lambe attended the 12th Annual Youth Service Conference in Ewing, New Jersey. Congratulations to all of the Lincoln School children and community members for their creative contribution to the Lincoln School 1st Annual Art Festival. A fire drill for students occurred on April 6th and April 30th. The enrollment for Lincoln School
as of April 16, 2001 is 331
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