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Hasbrouck Heights Public Schools
Superintendent’s Report

March 25, 1999

Junior-Senior High School
We are in the process of scheduling the ‘99-’00 school year. In preparation for this, we have done an extensive review of current offerings and future needs. Our studies have shown that we need several new and different courses to provide a more diverse and enriched curriculum. Classes in short stories, math theory, and social studies, will provide more choices and better designed curricula to serve the needs and interests of the student body.

The third edition of “The Pilot’s Log” has been completed, under the direction of Ms. Geftic. This issue will cover super dumpsites surrounding Hasbrouck Heights and will indicate some of these sites ramifications on our water system. Ms. Mikulka attended a meeting of the Public Library Board of Trustees and received a book that was donated to the school library in honor of Dr. Eglow.

To subsidize next fall’s trip to the Journalism Education Association National Convention in Atlanta, students will be selling white hats embroidered in orange “Aviators -- Hasbrouck Heights”.

Mr. Pankiewicz’s English 9 classes have finished studying “Romeo and Juliet” and are beginning a unit on Greek tragedy which will include the study of “Antigone”. Ms. Geftic’s English 12 classes have been discussing various aspects of Hamlet’s character and behavior in order to determine the state of his mental health based on the play. Her English 11 students are studying “Macbeth”.

Ms. Geftic’s English 11 students, as part of their study of Shakespeare created a travel brochure called “Lonely Planet Guide to London”, pretending they had won a tour of London in the year 1592. They have also prepared a “Macbeth” playbill.

Ms. Geftic’s English 12 students listened to Elizabethean music on the internet as part of their study in Hamlet. They are also using the internet to research such topics as the medical practices, customs and traditions, and styles during the 1600’s.

Ms. Hicswa’s biology students researched evolution in the school library while Ms. Korkgy’s students used the library to research various events in the 20th Century.

The library received 55 paperbacks from the PTSA worth over $300.

French II students will do research for a report on Carnaval activities in Quebec or on the celebrations of Bastille Day in France.

Ms. Cumins will be escorting her Spanish students to the museum to see a Picasso exhibit on April 9 together with students from the Art department.

Mr. Sayer reports that S.A.D.D. visited Lincoln School to perform “ Whose Chicken” -- a play on peer pressure -- to 5th graders. Additional performances are scheduled for Euclid and for 6th graders in the Middle School.

Bio Honors held a Bacteria Brunch on Tuesday, March 9 where students prepared foods made by bacterial action. They also explained various methods of preservation. Mr. Sayers’ College Chemistry class held their lab at FDU on March 11.

Ms. Cassidy’s students visited City Hall in New York for a tour and also met with City Council Speaker Peter Vallone. Ms. Cassidy will be escorting her students to the Boston area together with students from the English department.

Ms. Bucceri is helping the Student Council prepare for “Youth Week”. The Mock Trial season, relates Ms. Cassidy, is over for this year and our team ended its competitive run with a 4 and 1 record.

Mr. Masucci reports that his shop students are nearing completion of their design for a new Board of Education sign.

The 8th grade literature classes recently completed projects dealing with Edgar Allan Poe.

The 4th Academic Cycle Literature class is being devoted to activities supporting Read Across America. Students will be reading children's books onto audio tape and donating the tapes to the children's hospital at Hackensack Medical Center.

Mr. Stillman's 7th grade literature class enacted a scene from the play "Inherit the Wind."

Ms. Galfy and Mrs. Rowland, 7th grade English teachers, are utilizing Multiple Intelligence Theory teaching pedologies in their classes.

The seventh and eighth grade students enjoyed a dance on March 5th.

The Middle Level Renaissance Club hosted an Academic Bowl. Several other Middle Level schools were invited to participate.

The Middle Level math teachers met to improve the articulation and mathematics curriculum through grades 6 to 8. Following that meeting, Mr. Rispoli, 6th grade math teacher, met with 5th grade math teachers and relayed the outcome of the Middle Level meeting. Continued articulation meetings such as these serve to improve the flow of curriculum grades 5 through 8.

Mrs. Stein continued training in the Schoolmaster Administrative program by participating in a scheduling session with Mr. O'Hare, Mrs. Marano, Mr. Kligman and members of the secretarial staff.

Sophomore Morgan H. lead the Wrestling Team in the 152 lb. weight class by finishing first in the Districts and second in the Regionals. Morgan is currently 29-3 and entered the States Individual Tournament in Atlantic City.

Business Law classes will be visiting the County Courthouse and Jail.

The Consumer Education class is finishing their unit on Insurance and will be moving on to business management.

Graphic Design II classes, under Ms. Reed, supplied art work for “Read Across America”.

Shop students, under the direction of Mr. Masucci are designing and constructing pallets out of 3 sheets of paper to support an amount of weight. The greater the weight supported the more points the student receives. Each student will present to the shop class the methodology utilized in the design of the pallets.

Ms. Jones photography students have entered the Arbor Day Photo Contest with entries of tree photos. Photographs were also submitted to “The Apprentice Writer”, a publication of Susquehanna University.

Photography prints are displayed across the hall from the art classroom, and Painting I paintings are displayed on the 1st floor hallway.

The current enrollment at the Junior Senior High School is Grades 6-8 - 356, Grades 9-12 - 388.

Euclid School
The National PTA Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Awareness Week culminated on Friday, March 5th, with the entire student body cheering against drugs. The rally was only one of the many events that the PTA sponsored during the week. The students also were educated and entertained by the Sedacki Puppets, Kids on the Block, RSVP, and the Bergen County K-9 Unit.

Euclid School actively participated in the "Read Across America" program on Tuesday, March 2nd coordinated by Mrs. Erin Schneweiss.

On Friday, March 5th the Euclid PTA sponsored its annual Art Auction. Parents and friends had time to preview the art, presented by Marlin Art, Inc, before the Auction began.

The PTA held its monthly Executive Board Meeting on Tuesday, March 9th. The success of the PTA Art Auction which was held on Friday, March 5th was discussed. The 1999-00 slate of officers for the Euclid Executive Board was presented by the nominating committee. The Box Tops for Education goal of $500. was met.

The students in 3rd grade enjoyed a lesson in the health and safety of their eyes, presented by Dr. Eglow, a local optometrist.

On Tuesday, March 23rd, "The American Spirit" was presented to Euclid School, courtesy of the Euclid PTA.

Euclid School PTA sponsored a spectacular program on Wednesday, March 10th entitled "Starlab Planetarium".

After placing as finalists in the Junior Woman's club district level spelling bee, Euclid Eagles, Jennifer I. and Bijal S. in Euclid School's fifth grade class went on to the State Spelling Bee finals, on Sunday, March 14th.

Mrs. Pasquini, from the local VFW, visited the third and fourth grades on Thursday, March 11th and spoke about flag etiquette. She gave each child a patriotic pencil and a flag.

On Friday, March 12th, our fifth graders were privileged to experience a presentation about the Civil War, from Mr. Roland Barral, a Civil War expert.

The current enrollment at Euclid School is 325.

Lincoln School
Earlier in the school year Lincoln School's fourth and fifth graders participated in a program designed to foster expression among young people by submitting a poem to the Anthology of Poetry, Inc. The following students had one of their poems selected as one of the most creative submissions and has earned a page in the 1999 edition of the Anthology of Poetry by Young Americans.

4th Graders
Dominic D.A., Matthew M., Meghan W., Brielle M., Stephanie G., Christina M., Nishit R., Krista S., Krista S., Omar T., Henry T., Michael W., Razia A., Steven A., Stephanie G., Robert M., Esther P., David P., David S., Michael T., Bonnie T., Danielle T.

5th Graders
Michael C., Luigi E., Reena V.

The following students have had their drawings submitted to the 2000 New Jersey Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect Calendar Contest: (K-3 Division) Julie Y., Chelsea M.G., Milagros P., Leslie P., Leslie K., Jill E. and (4-5 Division) Cicily R., Stephanie P., Shelley C., Brittany T., Brittany T.

The Jump Rope team had the opportunity to demonstrate their growing talents at School #2 and #6 in Linden, New Jersey on February 25th. The children truly enjoyed this trip to another school.

Our Drug Free Week at Lincoln School was an incredible success. The Lincoln School PTA, along with the Euclid School PTA, coordinated a fun filled week on educational activities and programs that supported a drug free lifestyle. A Jump Rope for Heart activity in the gymnasium involving all of our children, N.J. Devils Fox Announcer Program on Building Self Esteem, and the Bergen County Sheriff's department promoting a Drug sniffing dog Assembly.

On Friday, March 12th, Mrs. Schoen and Mr. Donnelly visited the Methodist Nursery School in Hasbrouck Heights to discuss the kindergarten program at both schools.

The Lincoln School PTA held their monthly meeting on March 9th. This meeting began at 7:00 p.m. due to the FANS Parent Workshop (Families Achieving the New Standards in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education) that was scheduled to take place at 7:30 p.m. that evening.

Many parents and teachers attended the informative parent workshop on March 9th. This program was funded by the New Jersey Coalition for Mathematics and AT&T.

On Friday, February 26, Lincoln School held its Founders' Day Program. The afternoon was well attended by former PTA presidents. Our fourth and fifth grade chorus presented an excellent preview of the upcoming Spring Concert under the direction of Mrs. Sandra Cerasuolo.

The enrollment for Lincoln School as of March 13 was 367.


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