Junior-Senior High School Highlighting the past several weeks has been the outreach of the school to the parents of fifth graders and to those of eighth graders preparing them for their next phase of education at the middle level and high school. A parent orientation meeting was held on February 24th and subsequent small group parent meetings are being held in the mornings during February and March for both these groups. The Guidance Department has done an outstanding job in providing these parents with the necessary information to make accurate programming choices for their sons and daughters. The 1998 yearbook staff and Mrs. Meyer have completed their work in creating the 1998 Coronian and are looking forward to seeing all their effort put into its final form when it is delivered later in the year. As a reflection of her many contributions to the High School, Mrs. Hicswa was nominated to Who's Who Among American Teachers. A special program this month was the Jump Rope and Hoops for Heart in the students' physical education program. All sixth grade and seventh grade students learned the value of aerobic exercise as they help raise funds for the American Heart Association. Another special event was the first "Academic Bowl" conducted by the Middle Level Renaissance Club which is advised by Mrs. Wallace. On February 12th, 5 students from Wood-Ridge and 10 students from Moonachie met with 5 students from Heights to compete in a Jeopardy type meet. Counselors will be conducting daily group meeting with parents and students in Grades 6 and 8. Explanation of programs, scheduling for the 1998/1999 school year and tours for incoming sixth graders and their parents will be taking place. Euclid School - Lincoln School On Friday, February 6th, fifth graders from Euclid School were privileged to experience a presentation about the Civil War, from Mr. Roland Barral, a Civil War expert. With the help of his son Christopher, a second grader at Euclid School, Mr. Barral recreated the Civil War Soldier's experience for our students and gave them a session in history that will stay with them forever. The students truly enjoyed this special presentation. The Euclid School PTA held its second Book Fair on February 5th through the 9th. Bonus Scholastic books were also distributed to each homeroom teacher as well as the library. Congratulations to Melissa W. of Lincoln School who was a county winner for the PTA "Reflections" contest. Her entry will now go on to the state level. On Thursday, February 12, staff and students recognized the life and accomplishments of our nation's 16th President and our school's namesake...............Abraham Lincoln. The fourth grades of Euclid School and Lincoln School visited Teterboro Airport on February 10th. A morning of math and social studies activities awaited them with the cooperation of our PTA. The highlight of the morning was meeting former Knicks star, Willis Reed who spoke to the students on careers and achievement possibilities. Following this, groups of students rotated from activity station to station. A tour of the Aviation Museum ended the trip.
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