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Hasbrouck Heights Public Schools
Superintendent's Report
November 23, 1999

NJEA Convention HIPP Grant awards to: Barbara Bizik, Karen Coiro, Karen Della Fave, Suzanne Kos, and Jane McClean. There was a special presentation to the Terlemezian family.

Junior Senior High School
Last week was the completion of another Heights' tradition, Spirit Week. There were theme contests and fund raisers every day, and the activities culminated in a pep rally on Friday. The first marking period has been completed, and grades have been mailed out. While this is a good showing, the administration has been analyzing grades on an individual teacher basis to ensure that everyone is applying uniformly rigorous standards of performance when evaluating students' work. The staff is constantly urged to challenge our students so that their performance truly reflects the hard work needed to succeed in further education. There are three key objectives for teachers to focus on this year. First, the continuing incorporation of technology into the curriculum wherever possible. The second objective for the school focuses on interdisciplinary lessons that reflect the CCCS standards. Finally, the staff is putting together plans to develop a porfolio-based assessment plan which will travel with and develop with the students as they progress through high school.

Many students in the high school English classes have written original speeches for the annual Voice of Democracy contest sponsored by the local V.F.W. "Bon Voyage" will be the cry as a group of Hasbrouck Heights High School French students are planning their international flight to France under the guidance of Mr. Walter Eggmann.

A new course, Statistics and Probability, is being presented by Mr. Stine. The Key Club, led by Mrs. Hicswa, has collected and is donating food and household goods to the flood victims in Bergen County.

On October 27th, 1999, Mrs. Bucceri's AP class participated in an ITV program that addressed important environmental issues for New Jersey policy makers. In order to prepare for our presentation, the class used library computers to access the Internet sources prepared by the Greater Bergen County Council for Social Studies.The following day the class used the Mac Lab to do further research. Ms. Cassidy's Mock Trial Team have received their competition booklets and have begun their preparation for this competition. Ms. Korkgy"s World History classes have completed a class project on Egyptian culture. Mr. Cassiere's students got into the spirit of Halloween by re-enacting the Salem Witch Trials. Mrs. Rucci's grade 8 History classes wrote eye-witness accounts of the Salem Witch trials.

The Middle Level and the Music Department are very proud of Allison H., Lynette V., and Oriana F.. The three girls have been selected to perform in the Bergen County Middle School Chorus.

Mrs. Caputo, Ms. Sugarman, and Sgt. DeLorenzo attended an advisor training session for the Peer-to-Peer club. The club meets weekly and its members are busy planning activities for the year.

Mr. Carcich and Mr. Metelski participated in a science curriculum articulation meeting with Mrs. Rad and Mrs. LaTorre from the elementary schools. The articulation meetings help assure that the sequencing from elementary to middle school of the curriculum for each subject area is both thorough and logical.

Weekly Guidance activity calendars continue to be posted throughout the building announcing college visits, open houses and available scholarships. Students are encouraged to seek information on these calendars.

Forty-five parents attended a Financial Aid Workshop on October 19 conducted by Mr. Joseph Roberto. Mr. Roberto assisted parents in filling out the two financial aid forms including the FAFSA used by colleges and universities. Mrs. Brenda Perkins from Ramapo College gave a presentation on the college admissions process on October 7, 1999.

Total Student Enrollment: 782 as of 10/29/99.

Euclid School

The Health Education Department along with the Student Council at Euclid School sponsored the second annual Food Pyramid/Food Drive from November 1st through November 10th.

The Trust Company Bank came to Euclid School on Wednesday October 20th to teach the children the importance of saving money. They opened passbook accounts with a $10.00 deposit.

On November 4th, the fourth grades from Euclid and Lincoln Schools, along with Mrs. Cerasuolo visited the John Harms Theatre in Englewood. The children witnessed a magnificent performance by the NJ Symphony. Selections from "Dvorak In America" were heard.

The Euclid and Lincoln PTAs along with Bill O'Shea's Florist and the Hasbrouck Heights Chamber of Commerce sponsored a Halloween Window Painting Contest on the Boulevard for children in grades 3-5 on Thursday, October 21st.

The annual Halloween parade was held at Euclid School on October 29th. Students, staff and parents joined in the fun. The theme of school spirit continued on October 29th with the results of the "Name the Mascot Contest." Brandon M., a student in Mr. Sickels' 5th grade, was the student who's entry, "Spirit," won the contest. As a reward for this original name, he won "Boo Bags" for his entire homeroom class. Our newly named mascot visited the students that evening at the Monster Mash.

The PTA sponsored the dance for the children of Euclid School on October 29th. In order to further beautify our school when the construction project is complete, a beautification committee has been formed through the PTA. To begin the process of redoing our landscaping, our Plant a Penny program is in the works. Each class will be provided with a container to collect only pennies.

You may have noticed third and fourth grade students raising and lowering the flag each day. This brief, but very important, daily tradition is one Mr. Fierro is pleased to be a part of on a daily basis. As he teaches the student how to raise, lower and fold the flag, he reinforces the symbolism of the flag and it's history. Each child is given an enamel flag pin with the Euclid Eagle Mascot, "Spirit" on it. Next year our current third grade students will help teach the future third grade students this flag ceremony.

The PTA is once again sponsoring the "Little People's Chorus" on Monday afternoons from 3:08-4:15pm conducted by Mrs. Cerasuolo with a recital for the children's parents at the last session.

School Colors Day was held on Friday, November 5th. Staff and students proudly displayed their school colors of orange and black.

On Thursday, November 4th, our PTA sponsored a workshop for parents from 7:30-9:30 pm on "Smart Discipline." This workshop taught parents how to laugh at the plight of parenthood while teaching ways to sky rocket self esteem. Parents also learned how to receive their children's cooperation in discipline. Thank you to Mrs. Van Jura for organizing this event for our parents!

Student Council lent a helping hand to the Lodi school district. They collected hundreds of books and donated them to an elementary school in Lodi which was affected by Hurricane Floyd. The current enrollment at Euclid School is 321.

Lincoln School

A Halloween parade was conducted for all of Lincoln School's children on Friday afternoon, October 29, 1999. All teachers, students and many parents participated in this very well attended event.

Mrs. Foster, a representative from the Bergen Record, visited Lincoln School's fourth and fifth graders on November 2nd and 3rd. This activity reinforced the valuable use of a newspaper.

The Lincoln School fourth and fifth graders truly enjoyed this informational and enjoyable presentation from Mrs. Foster. The students at Lincoln School had their kick-off for the Food Pyramid Food Drive on Monday, November 1st. All food donated will be distributed to local families in time for Thanksgiving.

The Gifted and Talented trip of November 2 with both elementary schools participating was both fun and educational. "Wow! What a Century" was a musical play to celebrate the millennium.

Curriculum Mondays have been scheduled throughout the year in order to further align our Science curriculum to the New Jersey Core Content Standards. The first Curriculum Monday was held on October 18th at Lincoln School. On Wednesday, October 19, all Lincoln School children had the opportunity to attend an assembly program entitled, "Finger Spelling with Signing Hands." All children in grades K through 5 learned about the different ways in which a deaf person adapts to society in addition to learning sign language through songs.

On Wednesday, October 27th, all K-5 students had the opportunity to attend an assembly program on the importance of good nutrition.

November 15th and 16th were designated for the Fall Book Fair at Lincoln School. This Book Fair was thoroughly enjoyed by the children. The enrollment for Lincoln School as of November 15, 1999 is 354.

Upcoming Events Saturday, December 6th Holiday Workshop (10 a.m.-1 p.m/Gym) Education Foundation Update (To be announced) Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone!!

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