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Hasbrouck Heights Public Schools
Superintendent's Report
November 30, 2000

Junior-Senior High School
The Jr/Sr High School has just completed parent / teacher conferences. The number of appointments indicated a healthy interest in grades and results. Another Heights' tradition, Spirit Week, was celebrated in the first week of November. There are two key objectives for teachers to focus on this year.

First, the continuing incorporation of technology into the curriculum wherever possible. In addition, we are increasing writing assignments as a percentage of class and home work to develop the critical writing skills of all students across the curriculum.

Our second objective for the school focuses on interdisciplinary lessons that reflect the CCCS standards. Finally, the staff continues to develop a porfolio-based assessment plan which will travel with the students as they progress through high school, culminating in a senior performance project which will reflect their years of learning and accomplishment.

This is the second year of a four year project. Mrs. Geftic's English 12 classes are currently reading Homer's classic story "The Odyssey." Students are using their critical thinking skills to compile a portfolio about this time period and creating a unique civilization based on their readings.

On October 30th journalism students attended the Garden State Scholastic Press Day at Rutgers University where Mrs. Geftic presented 2 workshops on layout and design to over 200 students.

The High School Biology classes are doing their annual 3D cell projects. As usual, student creativity both enhances the curriculum and reinforces the learning process. The Key Club members, under the direction of Mrs. Hicswa, is conducting their annual coat drive.

Members of the Renaissance Club attended the Veterans' Day Memorial celebration which is conducted annually by the local VFW. The students interviewed several veterans and videotaped their responses.

The current Presidential Election has provided a wonderful opportunity for Middle Level students to experience history in the making. The sixth, seventh and eighth grades took part in a collaborative project revolving around the 2000 Presidential election.

Mr. Stillman's literature class is beginning an extensive unit on Edgar Allan Poe. Mrs. Wallace's Computer Applications classes are reading a novel and then learning to present the novel with the use of Power Point. Cross-grade Middle Level meetings will occur this year so that continuity of curriculum can be continually enhanced.

The English teachers met in November and discussed the summer reading programs. Mrs. Stein met with 7 other Middle School Principals to discuss curriculum and test preparation.

The Girls Tennis Team finished with a 13- 3 record winning the BCSL National Division League Tennis Championship. They finished second in the Group I State Sectional Final. The Girls Soccer Team finished with a 17-5 record setting a school record for the most wins in a season. They finished second in the Group I State Sectionals.

Weekly Guidance activity calendars continue to be posted throughout the building announcing college visits, open houses and available scholarships.

Total student enrollment as of October 30, 2000 is 787, (Gr 6-8 - 375, Gr 9-12 - 412)

Euclid School
The Health Education Department along with the Student Council at Euclid School sponsored the second annual Food Pyramid/Food Drive from November 1st through November 14th. This event served as an educational tool and a community service.

On Friday, October 20th, the fourth grades from Euclid and Lincoln Schools, along with Mrs. Cerasuolo visited the NJ Pac. The children witnessed another magnificent performance by the NJ Symphony. Selections with the theme "Millennium Beat" were heard.

The Euclid and Lincoln PTAs along with Bill O'Shea's Florist and the Hasbrouck Heights Chamber of Commerce sponsored a Halloween Window Painting Contest on the Boulevard for children in grades 3-5 on Thursday, October 27th. The annual Halloween parade was held at Euclid School on Tuesday, October 31st. Students, staff and parents joined in the fun.

Students and staff, wishing to support their team, were able to do so during the "Subway Series" on Tuesday, October 24th. All children were allowed to wear their favorite baseball team attire.

The PTA sponsored a Monster Mash dance for the children of Euclid School on Friday, October 27th. The PTA is once again sponsoring the "Little People's Chorus" on Monday afternoons, starting November 13th, from 3:08-4:15pm conducted by Mrs. Cerasuolo with a recital for the children's parents at the last session. Thank you again to Mr. and Mrs. Valente for another fun cultural arts program.

Presidential Election Day was held at Euclid School on Tuesday, November 7th. Ballots were passed out in each classroom. All students present, voted and the results were: 149-Bush, 146-Gore, 1-undecided and 9-other.

In honor and celebration of this week, November 13th-17th, Mr. McGovern sent a letter home inviting parents to come in on Tuesday, November 14th to sit in on their children's classes between 10:30-11:30 am. School Colors Day was held on Friday, November 3rd. Once again, everyone enjoyed "Warm up to Reading" at the end of the day together. Staff and students also proudly displayed their school colors.

This month's faculty meeting was held on Monday, November 6th. Mrs. Metcalfe (South Bergen Jointure teacher) spoke before the meeting with facts about Autism. The "Great American Smoke out"was celebrated at Euclid School on Thursday, November 16th, with students and parents receiving materials supplied by the American Cancer Society.

Euclid School PTA sponsored another spectacular program on Wednesday, October 18th entitled "Starlab Planetarium". A planetarium (made out of a hot air bubble) was set up in the Euclid Gym and a (45 minute) slide show was presented on the ceiling of the planetarium at separate time slots to each grade level inside.

Fire drills were held on 11/8/00 and 11/21/00.

The current enrollment at Euclid School is 329 students.

Lincoln School
This year Lincoln School's fourth graders had the opportunity to celebrate their heritage in a celebration for United Nations Day. The children were asked to wear clothing that depicted their heritage and bring in food representative of their nationality.

On Wednesday afternoon, October 25th, the fifth grade safety patrol was officially installed. A Halloween parade was conducted for all Lincoln School's children on Tuesday afternoon, October 31, 2000.

The World Language Program is proceeding nicely. Miss Kimmel and the students are having a great deal of fun as they learn more and more words in French and Spanish.

On November 7th, as the nation voted for the President of the United States so did Lincoln School's students. Each one of the children at Lincoln School had the opportunity to go into a makeshift voting booth and vote for the next president. Results: Bush: 178; Gore: 140; Undecided: None; Other: None.

The students at Lincoln School had their kick-off for the Food Pyramid Food Drive on Monday, November 6th.

Once again Mrs. Jane McClean and Mrs. Karen Della Fave were honored for their grant funded program "Reaching Across the Sounds of Silence".

The first curriculum Monday was held on October 30th at Lincoln School. All teachers in grades K through 5 attended this meeting. Teachers began by developing a Content list so that they could easily see what content areas are taught at each grade level.

On Thursday, November 2nd, all Lincoln School children had the opportunity to attend an assembly program about the Native American heritage.

This year the Lincoln School PTA has organized a committee to compile and write articles for a monthly newsletter.

On the first Friday of each month, Mrs. Schoen has asked parents to join her in an informal get together from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. in the new classroom across from the nurse's office. Coffee, tea and refreshments were served.

A fire drill was held on November 8, 2000. All students and staff members exited the school building safely.

The enrollment for Lincoln School as of November 15, 2000 is 330.

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