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Superintendent's Report
October 22, 1998

Junior-Senior High School
In the past month, we have focused on one of our major objectives for
this year, namely, the increased participation and presence of parents
and the community in the Jr/Sr High School. We have promoted this
presence by conducting two Back to School Nights, one for the high
school and one for the junior high.  In addition, we held the first
Eighth Grade Open House; a way of promoting the advantages of attending
the high school as opposed to the increasing number of specialty schools
that are competing for our eighth graders.
Another event that was especially successful was the College Admissions
Night sponsored by the Guidance Department.  Parents were quite
complimentary with regard to the information provided and the manner in
which it was presented.
In the last several days, we have completed several testing exercises,
including the HSPT, and have initiated a field test of its future
replacement, the HSPA. Juniors participated in a simulation of the HSPA
over a five day period. In addition, the PSAT was taken by the largest
group of students in a number of years.
In closing out this month, we held an In-Service for teachers which
focused on several diverse topics, including Alternative Assessment and
Inclusion of Classified Students. All of the workshops served to provide
staff with information on current trends and most effective techniques
of instruction.
Some English 12 classes are studying “Gilgamesh”, and others are delving
into Chinese poetry.  English 11 classes are studying “The Odyssey” and
"Beowulf".  Mrs. Czekaj’s Shakespeare Honors class presented a scene
from the Merchant of Venice to Ms. Kelly-Herkert’s eighth grade English
class.   English 12 classes are using the internet to do research on
Athens and its architecture as well as taking a virtual tour of Greece.
Mr. Stine went to the Science Convention on October 14, 1998 and
attended workshops on Advanced Placement Physics, Physics
Demonstrations, and the Core Curriculum Content Standards as applied to
Physics.  Mr. Sayer addressed the Biology Honors class and spoke about
kidney transplants, tissue rejection, and related these to the chemistry
of proteins.
Several Middle Level teachers are participating in activities which will
serve to enrich our students' experiences.  Mr. Robert Carcich, sixth
grade science and mathematics teacher, has been accepted into the
S.T.A.R.S. network (Special Teachers Achieving Rave Results) at Buehler
Challenger and Science Center.   Mr. Carcich and Mr. Metelski, sixth
grade social studies and science teacher, both attended workshops given
by the Buehler Center in preparation for the sixth grade students
November visit to the Center.  Their students are now actively preparing
for that visit.  Mr. Carcich and Mr. Metelski also attended the New
Jersey Science Teachers Convention this month.  At this Convention they
had the opportunity to learn many hands-on activities for the students
which will utilize both basic and high-tech materials and methods.
Sixth grade students have completed their introductory unit in geography
which has prepared them for a study of ancient civilizations and
Mr. Stillman's 7th and 8th grade Literature students  are in the process
of developing an Internet WEB page. The page will relate to curriculum
areas in a variety of ways.
The Renaissance Club (advised by Mrs. Wallace) has two new programs this
year.  A "reading circle" will meet regularly throughout the year to
discuss books read for enjoyment by the members.  Eighth grade
Renaissance members will be tutoring some sixth grade students who are
experiencing academic difficulties.

Euclid School
Euclid School's Back to School Night was held on Thursday, October 1st.
Mr. Donnelly introduced the staff and spoke about the upcoming school
year.   The evening was a success with over 500 people attending.
On Wednesday, October 14th, the 5th graders of Euclid School took part
in the "Dimes for the Dome" game, sponsored by Assembly Woman, Rose
Heck.  The fifth graders were active a few years ago, raising money for
the NJ State House Organization and Mrs. Heck wanted to thank them by
presenting this fun activity to them.
The PTA Executive Board Meeting was held on October 13th.  The
following  upcoming events were discussed:  Gift wrap sale, Halloween
Monster Mash,  Book Fair, McDonalds Reading Incentive.
The Math Prime Program, at Euclid School, has begun. Students are
meeting with their instructor, Mr. Dolan, twice a week during their
lunch hour.  Students will be exploring the concepts of Set Theory,
Geometry and Algebra.
Our thanks go to Mr. Robert Heck, Superintendent of the Department of
Public Works Hasbrouck Heights.  Mr. Heck was instrumental in allowing
an Enrichment Program to come to Euclid School on October 7th.  Monies
from the Clean Communities Program were used to provide this wonderful
program to our children.  Thank you, also to Mrs. Ruymen, from our PTA,
for scheduling this program.
The current enrollment at Euclid School is 316.

Lincoln School
Lincoln School's "Back to School Night" was held on Tuesday Evening,
September 22, 1998.  Mrs. Schoen  gave her opening school address. Mrs.
Schoen mentioned that the theme for the 1998-99 school year was
First grade teachers at Lincoln School and Euclid School met with Mr.
Walter Eggmann on Monday morning, September 21 and Wednesday morning,
September 25, 1998 from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.  The purpose of these
meetings was to discuss the World Language material that had been
received.  The first day of the French program in first grade began on
October 5, 1998.  Mr. Eggmann was in each class as each first grade
teacher presented their 20 minute lessons to their students.  The
program is off to a great start!
On Wednesday, October 7th, third, fourth and fifth grade students had
the opportunity to attend an assembly program by Mr. Jack Brannigan.
This informative assembly program entitled "Our Home - Planet Earth" was
sponsored by the Lincoln School PTA and was a result of Hasbrouck
Heights Clean Community Program.  The program informed the children on
the importance of recycling, reusing and conserving materials.
The October meeting of the Lincoln School PTA was held on Tuesday
evening, October 12th.  The regular meeting began promptly at 7:30
p.m.   Among the topics discussed:  Halloween Parade, Chamber of
Commerce window painting, Market Day fund raiser pickup, upcoming
assembly programs and the the teacher in-service on October 9, 1998.
The enrollment for Lincoln School as of October 15, 1998  is 367.


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