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Pictured above is Mrs. Janet Lobsenz, Field Representative of New Jersey School Boards Association, Mrs. Colleen Jarvis, and Kathy Sousa, Field Representative of New Jersey School Boards Association.

Mrs. Colleen Jarvis Receives
Archie F. Hay Award

At the recent Spring Dinner meeting of the Bergen County School Boards Association Mrs. Colleen M. Jarvis was presented with the "Archie F. Hay Award." This award is presented yearly to an outstanding board member who best exemplifies Dr. Hay's leadership in the field of education. In order to be nominated for this most prestigious award, the board member must be nominated by their local board of education, been a board member for at least three years, meet the criteria for selection, such as leadership on the local board level, evidence of specific services to the local school district, and the member's unique contribution to the board and to the district, as well as service to the community. This award is chosen by an impartial committee of non-Bergen County School Board members.

Mrs. Jarvis, is currently in her 5th year on the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education, she has served as President and Vice President of the Board, Chairman of Education, Policy. Future Directions, New Buildings, Ground Breaking, Library Dedication and has served as a member of all standings committees during her tenure on the board. Mrs. Jarvis is also a member of the Bergen County School Boards Association Executive Committee and New Jersey School Boards Association Legislative and Resolution committees. Mrs. Jarvis was recently recognized as a "Certificated Board Member" after completing the requirement of 20 credits at the Board Members Academy conducted by the New Jersey School Boards Association.


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