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Thursday, March 26, 2002

A regular meeting of the Board of Education was held on Tuesday, March 26, 2002, in the Burnett Eglow Media Center of the Jr. Sr. High School Building, 365 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by the President, Dr. Delcalzo.

Dr. Delcalzo read the following statement:

"Pursuant to the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Act, Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, the Board Secretary caused notice of this meeting to be given to the public and the press on May 7, 2001".

`Roll Call was taken by Joseph T. Bellino, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, and the following members responded to their names:

Present - Mrs. Carroll,   Delorenzo,  Mrs. Powell, Mr. Delorenzo,  Mr. Van Hook, Mr. Fasciano,   Dr. Delcalzo, Mr. Parodi

Absent - Mrs. Fitzgibbons, Mr. Suriano

Also Present: Mr. Luongo, Mr. Bellino, Mr. Dzwilewski, citizens, members of the press.

Dr. Delcalzo led the Board in the flag salute.

Presentation and Public Hearing on the 2002-2003 Proposed Budget

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Fasciano, seconded by Mrs. Carroll:

RESOLUTION 3-352-02: Whereas the Board of Education developed assumptions, constraints, and  priorities to guide the Superintendent in preparing a budget for the 2002-2003 school year, and;

Whereas the Board has carefully reviewed and enhanced the budget proposed by the Superintendent, now therefore be it,

Resolved the Board of Education approve the following final budget for the 2002-2003 school year:


Tax Levy - General Fund $14,567,150

State Aid- General Fund 1,290,265

Miscellaneous Revenue 57,156

Total General Fund Revenues $15,914,571

Special Revenue Fund 517,768

Budget Fund Balance - Debt Service 103

Tax Levy - Debt Service Fund 541,108

Debt Service Aid 211,104

Grand Total - Revenues $17,184,654


Regular Programs - Instruction $5,984,059

Special Education - Instruction 1,019,723

Basic Skills/Remedial - Instruction 106,217

Bilingual Education - Instruction 76,837

Cocurricular Activities 64,658

Athletics 228,496

Undistributed Expenditures 8,202,415

Capital Outlay 232,166

Total General Fund Appropriations $15,914,571

Special Revenue Appropriations 517,768

Debt Service 752,315

Grand Total - Appropriations $17,184,654

Be It Further Resolved, that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approves the request for a Statutory Growth Limitation Adjustment for Enrollment in the amount of $294,988.00 for the 2002-03 school year.

Be It Further Resolved, that the Superintendent and Board Secretary are directed to submit this budget and all required support documentation to the County Superintendent as required by law.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Delorenzo, Mr. Fasciano, Mr. Parodi, Mrs. Powell, Mr. Van Hook, Dr. Delcalzo

Nays: None Resolution approved


Approval of Minutes

Mrs. Powell moved, seconded by Mr. Van Hook to accept the minutes of February 28, 2001(4). Motion approved by unanimous voice vote of all members present.

Public Discussion on Agenda Resolutions - None

Correspondence/Report of School Business Administrator/Board Secretary
1. Correspondence - None
2. Agenda - No changes

Report of the Superintendent - on file in the Administration Office

Committee Reports:

Community Relations Committee: - No report

Education and Technology Committee:
Mrs. Powell commented the committee met and discussed substitutes, budget impact, technology update.

Facilities and Recreation Committee:
Mr. Van Hook commented on the boiler at Franklin Gym was installed, athletics participation update.

Finance and Labor Relations Committee:
Mr. Fasciano commented the committee-of-the-whole met and discussed the budget, also met with the PTA's to present the propsoed budget.

Mrs. Carroll gave meetings update, legislators failed to appear.

Borough Council Liaison - No Report

Faculty Liaison
Mrs. Powell commented the committee met and discussed many issues, good dialog.



Education and Technology Committee:

The following resolutions were moved by Mrs. Powell, seconded by Mr. Delorenzo:

RESOLUTION 3-353-02 : Be it Resolved by the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education, that in compliance with Chapter 116,P.L. 1986 and in accordance with the State of New Jersey Department of Education memorandum dated October 29, 1986 that all new personnel on the attached list dated March 26, 2002 shall be considered to be provisionally hired, and

Be It Further Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools is hereby directed to comply with State Department directives concerning the State and Federal criminal history background checks of these employees, and

Be It Further Resolved that said new personnel shall be considered provisionally hired until such time as the Department of Education has indicated that they have completed the criminal history background checks of prospective employees and that said employees have satisfied the requirements of Chapter 116, P.L. 1986 at which time said employees shall no longer be provisional; said list shall be considered a part of the minutes of this meeting; the Board Secretary shall be hereby directed to employ personnel contained on the attached list and to take such other personnel actions as indicated on Attachment A.


RESOLUTION 3-354-02: Be It Resolved that, upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following individuals be approved as substitute teacher in the Hasbrouck Heights School District for the school year 2001-2002:

Marianne Kunzmann - County Certified
Alanna Bellavia - County Certified
Elena Goehrig - State Certified
Jack Latona - County Certified
Kimberly Napolitano - County Certified
George Nestory - County Certified
Lauren Roche - County Certified
Melissa Ayvas - County Certified
Benoise Turnier - County Certified
Joyce Fox - County Certified
Audrey Wilson - County Certified
Gregg King - State Certified


RESOLUTION 3-355-02: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education accepts responsibility for the following tuition payment for a special education student:

Student # 24-02 High Point School $28,949 Pro-rated

Lodi, NJ Eff. 3/14/02


RESOLUTION 3-356-02: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education does hereby approve an agreement with the South Bergen Jointure Commission, an approved Coordinated Transportation Service Agency, for the purpose of transporting students in accordance with Chapter 53, P.L., 1997 for the 2002-2003 school year. The services to be provided include, but are not limited to, the coordinated transportation of out of district special education, vocational and summer programs.

Be It Further Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education agrees to abide by the Transportation Services Agreement as published by the South Bergen Jointure Commission and attached to this resolution.

RESOLUTION 3-357-02: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education does hereby approve a Joint Transportation Agreement between the district and the South Bergen Jointure Commission for the 2002-2003 school year. The Joint Transportation Agreement will provide coordinated transportation services between the South Bergen Jointure Commission and any joining districts.

RESOLUTION 3-358-02: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approves attendance of Joseph Bellino at the New Jersey Association of School Business Officials Annual Conference May 8 - 10, 2002, in accordance with contractual commitment and board policy.

RESOLUTION 3-359-02: Be It Resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approves the district's Professional Development Plan as presented and approved by the Bergen County Superintendent of Schools.

RESOLUTION 3-360-02: Be It Resolved that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools,  the following individual be approved for placement as a student teacher and Nursing Practicum:

Alan Masters, student teacher with Sandra Cerasuolo
Melissa Forsthovel, Nursing Practicum with Karen DellaFave

RESOLUTION 3-361-02: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education accepts the donation of one used Power MAC 7200/1210 computer with monitor and printer from Mr. Roger Busch of Hasbrouck Heights.

RESOLUTION 3-362-02: Whereas, the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education accepted the resignation of  Eileen Hall effective June 30, 2002 pursuant to the 2001-2002 Voluntary Separation Program, and

Whereas, Eileen Hall has applied for Ordinary Disability through the Division of Pensions.

Be It Resolved that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education grant Eileen Hall a leave of absence without pay under the provisions of the Family Leave Act, effective April 1, 2002 through June 30, 2002.

RESOLUTION 3-363-02: Be It Resolved that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools,  the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education revise Resolution #01-303-02 granting Cheryl M. Reed a child rearing leave of absence, without pay, from 9/1/02 to 1/2/03.

RESOLUTION 3-364-02: Be It Resolved that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools,  the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approves the following change in the 2001-2002 School Calendar due to the lack of need to postpone school due to inclement weather or other emergency provided no such days are needed prior: May 23, 24, 28, 2002 - change from open school to non-school days

RESOLUTION 3-365-02: Whereas, the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education, upon the recommendation of  the Superintendent of Schools, wishes to enhance the recognition and academic development of district students in grades six, seven and eight, and

Whereas, the Superintendent of Schools has proposed a reorganization at the secondary school level to accomplish the aforementioned objectives.

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education does hereby approve the secondary school reorganization establishing the Hasbrouck Heights Middle School and Hasbrouck Heights High School as separate educational entities, effective July 1, 2002.

RESOLUTION 3-366-02: Be It Resolved that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools,  the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approves the following change of work schedule effective April 1, 2002 to June 30, 2002: Maureen Mucha, Clerical Aide, Euclid School, 18.5 hours to 25 hours per week

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Delorenzo, Mr. Fasciano, Mr. Parodi, Mrs. Powell, Mr. Van Hook, Dr. Delcalzo

Nays: None Resolutions approved


Facilities and Recreation Committee:

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Van Hook, seconded by Mr. Fasciano:

RESOLUTION 3-367-02: Be It Resolved that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools,  the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approve the following salaries and assignments of coaches and supplemental advisors in the Hasbrouck Heights sports program for the 2001-2002 school year:

Joe Piazza Spring Track 5th Step $3,710
John Valente Spring Track 1st Step $2,628
Brian Morrow Spring Track Volunteer Unpaid
Brian Ille Spring Track Volunteer Unpaid
Scott Vella Spring Track Volunteer Unpaid
Robert Woods Baseball Volunteer Unpaid
Eileen Drago Softball Volunteer Unpaid

RESOLUTION 3-368-02: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approves the following field trip requests:

Wrestling Team Camp, Lehigh University, June 23-27, 2002, 10 students

Be It Further Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education recognizes that Mr. Michael Scuilla accepts the wrestling camp assignment without additional compensation.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Delorenzo, Mr. Fasciano, Mr. Parodi, Mrs. Powell, Mr. Van Hook, Dr. Delcalzo

Nays: None Resolutions approved

Finance Committee:

The following resolutions were moved by Mr. Fasciano, seconded by Mr. Van Hook

RESOLUTION 3-369-02: Be it Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approves the  following reports which are in agreement and that they be kept on file in the office of the Board Secretary:
1. Report of the Board Secretary for the month of January, 2002.
2. Report of the Treasurer of School Funds for the month of January, 2002.

RESOLUTION 3-370-02: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approves the  following budget appropriation transfers as per Attachment B.

RESOLUTION 3-371-02: Be It Resolved that pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2:12 (3) and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, the Board certifies that to the best of its knowledge, no major account or funds have been overexpended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20-2:12 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

RESOLUTION 3-372-02 : Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approves the actual payroll for the month of February, 2002, in the amount of $1,072,764.29, and that the President of the Board, the Board Secretary, and the Treasurer of School Funds be, and they hereby are, authorized to sign warrants up to and including the above.

RESOLUTION 3-373-02: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approves the  estimated payroll for the month of March, 2002, in the amount of $1,075,000.00 and that the President of the Board, the Board Secretary, and the Treasurer of School Funds be, and they hereby are, authorized to sign warrants in any amount up to and including the above $1,075,000.00.

RESOLUTION 3-374-02: Be it Resolved that the President of the Board, the Board Secretary, and the Treasurer of School Funds be, and they hereby are, authorized to sign warrants for supplies and materials received and services rendered to the Hasbrouck Heights School District . The amount for the month of March, 2002 being:

General Fund:
11 $442,642.40
12 19,814.61
20 11,530.84

30 221.63

50 22,647.99

Total: $496,857.47

RESOLUTION 3-375-02: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approves of the disposal of the following property items:

1. Laser writer printers (10)
2. Apple II G8 computers (10)
3. MAC LC computers (3)
4. Computer monitors (24)

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Delorenzo, Mr. Fasciano, Mr. Parodi, Mrs. Powell,  Mr. Van Hook, Dr. Delcalzo

Nays: None Resolutions approved

Old Business
Dyslexic program has begun.

New Business - None

Open Public Hearing

Comments and questions on the following:

1. Budget presentation to committee groups
2. March 25th incident
3. Tolerance policy
4. School security

Motion by Mrs. Powell, seconded by Mr. Delorenzo to adjourn to private session.

RESOLUTION PS-055-01: Whereas, in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey Open Public  Meetings Act the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education wishes to meet in Private Session for the purpose of discussing matters of a confidential nature relating to student issues and personnel.

Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education adjourn to Private Session for the purpose of discussing such matters, and

Be It Further Resolved, that the public be informed of these matters as soon as the need to remain confidential is no longer necessary at a future date to be determined.

Meeting was adjourned to private session at 9:05 p.m.

Meeting was reopened at 9:55 p.m.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:56 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joseph T. Bellino
School Business Administrator/Board Secretary


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