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Thursday, July 6, 1999


A special action session meeting of the Board of Education was held on Thursday, July 6, 1999, in the Administration Building, 379 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey.   The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by President, Mrs. Marie Fitzgibbons.

Mrs. Fitzgibbons read the following statement:

"Pursuant to the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Act, Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, the Board Secretary caused notice of this meeting to be given to the public and the press on June 30, 1999 

Roll Call was taken by Joseph T. Bellino, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, and the following members responded to their names:

Present - Mrs. Carroll (excused 7:43, Mrs. Nasuta
returned 9:47) Mrs. Powell

Absent Mr. Casella

Also Present:  Dr. Stepura, Mr. Bellino, Mr. Dzwilewski

RESOLUTION: Whereas, in accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey Open Public PS-006-99 Meetings Act the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education wishes to meet in Private Session for the purpose of discussing matters of a confidential nature relating to legal matters.

Now, Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education adjourn to Private Session for the purpose of discussing such matters, and

Be It Further Resolved, that the public be informed of these matters as soon as the need to remain confidential is no longer necessary at a future date

Resolution moved by Mrs. Jarvis, seconded by Mrs. Nasuta and passed by unanimous voice vote of all members present.

Meeting was adjourned to private session at 7:42 p.m.

Meeting was reopened at 9:47 p.m.

Education Committee:

The following resolution was moved by Mrs. Jarvis, seconded by Mrs. Powell:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools 7-94-99 the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approve a medical leave of absence with pay, for Mrs. Mar

Be It Further Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education accept, with regret, the resignation of Mrs. Rubin, effective September 30, 1999.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis, Mrs. Nasuta,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolution Approved

The following resolution was moved by Mrs. Jarvis, seconded by Mrs. Powell:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools 7-95-99 the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education accept, with regret, the resignation of Jennifer Galfy, teacher in the Junior Senior High School, effective   June 30, 1999.

Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis, Mrs. Nasuta,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolution Approved


The following resolution was moved by M

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools 7-96-99 the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education accept, with regret and best wishes, the resignation of Mrs. Jean Sluka, Child Study Team Director, effective August 29, 1999.

Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis, Mrs. Nasuta,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolution Approved

The following resolution was moved by Mrs. Jarvis, seconded by Mrs. Powell:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools 7-97-99 the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approve a transfer of Melissa Mondello to an elementary level teaching po

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons,
Mrs. Nasuta, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Nays: None Resolution Approved

New Building Committee:

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Suriano, seconded by Dr. Delcalzo:



Abstain:  Mrs. Carroll

Nays: None Resolution Approved

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that upon the recommendation of the Board Attorney, the 7-99-99 Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education disqualify the bid received from Icon Construction on July 1, 1999 for the Additions and Alterations of the Existing Junior/Senior High School as it has been deemed, by virtue of case law, to be a non-responsive bid.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons, Mrs. Nasuta,
Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Abstain:  Mrs. Carroll

Nays: None Resolution Approved

The following resolution was moved by Mrs. Nasuta, seconded by Mrs. Jarvis:
a. Contract No.1-GC: Tri-Con Construction $2,995,000
b. Contract No.2-SC: Triple B Fabrications 443,300
c. Contract No.3-PC: G & T Mechanical 247,000
d. Contract No.4-MC: Herman Braun 531,700
e. Contract No.5-EC: Enterprise Electric 292,200
f. Contract No.5-FC: Longo Associate

Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons, Mrs. Nasuta,
Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Abstain:  Mrs. Carroll

Nays: None Resolution Approved

The following resolution was moved by Mrs. Nasuta, seconded by Mrs. Jarvis:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education accept the bids and 7-101-99 approve the award of contracts to the following companies in accordance with the proposals submitted on July 1, 1999 for Additions and Alterations to Existing Euclid and Lincoln Elementary Schools pursuant to specifications contained in DMR Project Manuals #1608 and #16

a. Contract No.1 - GC: J. Pisa Inc. $2,863,000.00
b. Contract No.2 - SC: Triple B. Fabricators 301,111.00
c. Contract No.3 - PC: G&T Mechanical 217,000.00
d. Contract No.4 - MC: Herman Braun 693,800.00
e. Contract No.5 - EC: P Electrical 317,990.00

Roll Call: Ayes: Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons, Mrs. Nasuta,
Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Abstain:  Mrs. Carroll

Nays: None Resolution Approved

Discussion by the board on purchase of property - decision to proceed.

Adjournment at 10:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

    Joseph T. Bellino
School Business Administrator/Board Secretary

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