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Thursday June 24, 1999

A regular meeting of the Board of Education was held on Thursday, June 24, 1999, in the Dr. Burnett Eglow Media Center of the Jr. Sr. High School Building, 365 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey.  The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by  the President, Marie Fitzgibbons.

Mrs. Fitzgibbons read the following statement:

"Pursuant to the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Act, Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, the Board Secretary caused notice of this meeting to be given to the public and the press on  May 4, 1999".

Roll Call was taken by Mr. Bellino, Business Administrator/Board Secretary and the following members responded to their names:

Present - Mrs. Carroll Mrs. Jarvis Mr. Casella Mrs. Powell
Dr. Eglow Mr. Suriano

Absent - Dr. Delcalzo, Mrs. Nasuta

Also present - Dr. Stepura, Mr. Bellino,  citizens, members of the press.

The board observed a moment of silence for recently deceased employees.

Mrs. Fitzgibbons led the Board in the flag salute.

Presentations were made to the Library and to various district employees.

Mr. Suriano moved, seconded by Mrs. Jarvis to accept the minutes of May 3, 1999; May 20, 1999; May 24, 1999.  Motion  approved by voice vote of a majority of all members present. 

Public Discussion on Agenda Resolutions  - None

Correspondence/Report of School/Business Administrator/Board Secretary:

Report of the Superintendent

Athletics and Recreation Committee

The following resolutions were moved by Mrs. Carroll, seconded by Mr. Casella:

Basic Coverage $8,228
Catastrophic Coverage $1,020

RESOLUTION: Whereas there is a need for the following job assignments to be completed 6-047-99 during the summer months:
A. Supervision of summer programs.
B. Interview and recommending new coaches positions.
C. Arrange for fall athletic physicals.
D. Follow up on purchase order for athletics.
E. Inventory and store new equipment.
F. Order non-bid items.
G. Hire officials and send contract where needed.
H. Prepare equipment for August practices, and

Now Be It Resolved that Mr. John Tessaro be paid a stipend of $5,581 for July and August.

RESOLUTION: Whereas the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education must provide Athletic 6-048-99 Training Services for the sports programs in the district, and

Whereas Community Rehab Centers of NJ, Inc. (T/A Marc ATC Services) has provided these services,

Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education enter into a contract with Community Rehab Centers of NJ, Inc., for the school year 1999-2000, for service provided in the

Be It Further Resolved that these services are being hired without competitive bidding as "Professional Services" under the provision of the Public School Contracts Law 18A:18A-5(1).

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis, Mrs. Powell,l Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons     

Nays: None Resolution Approved   

Mrs. Carroll discussed the summer programs.             

Buildings and Grounds Committee:

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Suriano, seconded by Mrs. Powell:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools be authorized to request that 6-049-99 the Bureau of Facilities Planning Services of the State Department of Education to permit the district to use the alternate method of compliance with N.J.A.C. 6:22-5.4 (h) 4ii by providing toilet rooms outside the classroom in lieu of individual toilet rooms within the classr

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis, Mrs. Powell,l Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons     

Nays: None Resolution Approved

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Suriano, seconded by Mrs. Powell:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Board of Education authorize the submission of a renewal 6-050-99 application for Approval of Substandard Instructional Area for the 1999-2000 school year for Roo"m #20 (1st Grade classroom) for Lincoln School.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis, Mrs. Powell,l Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons     

Nays: None Resolution Approved

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Suriano, seconded by Mrs. Carroll:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the 6-051-99 Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education employ the following as custodian summer helpers from June 28, 1999 to August 27, 1999 at an hourly rate of $5.75:

1. Gregg Leone
2. Jeff DePalma
3. Paul Incognito

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis, Mrs. Powell,l Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons     

Nays: None Resolution Approved

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Suriano, seconded by Mrs. Carroll:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approve a leave without pay,

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis, Mrs. Powell,l Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons     

Nays: None Resolution Approved

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Suriano, seconded by Mrs. Carroll:

RESOLUTION: Whereas, there exists a need for a designated person for asbestos compliance for 6-053-99 the Hasbrouck Heights School District of the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights, Bergen County, New Jersey.

Be It Resolved that Karl and Associates be appointed as designated person for asbestos compliance for the 1999-2000 school year.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis, Mrs. Powell,l Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons     

Nays: None Resolution Approved

Mr. Suriano gave an update on various projects and the new field.

Community Relations

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Carroll:

RESOLUTION: Whereas, financial support for public education throughout the nation typically 6-054-99 is shared evenly between state and local revenue sources; and

Whereas, in New Jersey the ratio of local-to-state funding for public education is 60-40 and, with the local property taxpayer burdened with the undue share; and

Whereas, in the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights this ratio is 93-7, and

Whereas, New Jersey's overreliance on local property taxes for education has led to extreme difficulties for the citizens of Hasbrouck Heights to adequately fund their public schools; and

Whereas, the New Jersey School Boards Association has proposed a model that calls for a statewide decrease in local property taxes, matched dollar-for-dollar by a shift to the state income tax, with no im

Whereas, the Governor's recent proposal for school property tax rebates includes a number of elements in the NJSBA model and recognized the state's overreliance on property taxes to support education; and

Whereas, the Governor's plan lacks a dedicated revenue source to permanently fund a shift away from the local school property tax, cannot maintain a 50-50 balance between state and local taxes, and will be vulnerable to an economic downturn;

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education urges the Governor and the state Legislature to dedicate a state-level progressive revenue source to assume a significant portion of the cost of public education now borne by the local school property tax; and

Be It Further Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education urges the Go

Be It Further Resolved that copies of this resolution be sent to Governor Whitman, Senator Kosco, Assemblywoman Heck, Assemblyman Tolerico, the New Jersey Property Tax Commission, the New Jersey School Boards Association and the Bergen County School Boards Association, and all the Bergen County School

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis, Mrs. Powell,l Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons     

Nays: None Resolution Approved

Mr. Casella commented the committee will meet on how to move the above resolution forward  and add further construction news articles.

Education Committee:

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Casella, s

Whereas, Dr. Richard Stepura, Superintendent of Schools, and Mr. Peter O'Hare, Principal of Hasbrouck Heights Junior/Senior High School, have certified that these students have satisfactorily completed the required course of study, now,

Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Board of Education award a diploma of graduation to each of the students whose name is set forth on the attached list, which is made a part hereto, and

Be It Further Resolved, that the President of the Board,   Mrs. Marie Fitzgibbons, and the Board Secretary, Joseph T. Bellino, be and they hereby are, authorized to sign and seal diplomas of graduation on behalf of the Board of Education.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Cas

Nays: None Resolution Approved

The following resolutions were moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Jarvis:

RESOLUTION: Be it Resolved by the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education, that in compliance 6-056-99 with Chapter 116, P.L. 1986 and in accordance with the State of New Jersey Department of Education memorandum dated October 29, 1986 that all new personnel as per Attachment A dated June 24, 1999 shall be considered to be provisionally hired, and

Be It Further Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools is hereby directed to comply with State Department directives concerning the State and Federal criminal history background checks of these employees, and

Be It Further Resolved that said new personnel shall be considered provisionally hired until such time as the Department of Education has indicated that they

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the 6-057-99 following  individuals be approved as substitute teachers in the Hasbrouck Heights School District for the school year 1999-2000:

Sarah McClean - County Certified
Judith Woster - State Certified

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the following individuals be authorized to maintain the 6-058-99 central attendance registers in the Hasbrouck Heights School District for the school year 1999-2000:

Mrs. June Raymond Lincoln S

Be It Further Resolved that the Home Instruction Register to be maintained by the Office of Special Services.

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the following individuals be authorized to perform duties of 6-059-99 the Child Study Team  in the Hasbrouck Heights School District for the summer of 1999 at the salaries indicated; said salaries to be funded by federal funds:

Margaret Ricci  10 Days $333.70/day  $3,138
Siobhan Hicks 10 Days $304.52/day $2,861
Joan Murphy 10 Days $382.18/day $3,695

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Board of Education appoint the following part time School 6-060-99 Aides for the school year 1999-2000 at the hourly rate of $9.00.

Jr./Sr. High School
Catherine Christen Katherine Miller
Rose Francavilla Marie Petro
Fran Delvecchio Rosemarie Cristofolo

Euclid School

Lincoln School
Violet Abel Nazmile Fejzo
Arax Boghosian Concetta Nese-Conti
Lorraine Cagiao Joan Nesbitt
Xherahire Cocka Gilda Paccione
Brenda Colaneri Rosalie M. Stratton
Joann Dunn Dolores Wagner
Jane Gay Mary Worster
Antoinete Regiec Marie Mahonchak

Substitute School Aides
Marie Clynes Loida Morro
Chancey DelGiudice Valerie Giancaspro
Dorothy Ortiz Helen Mason-Hay
Maureen Wrede Helene Pasqualone
Teresa Castellitto Tina Diaz
Debbie Goursky

And Be it Further Resolved that the following special education aides by approved for the 1999-2000 school year:

Adele Albanese Dorothy Checchi

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the following individuals be approved as substitute 6-061-99 secretaries for the school yea

Marie Franzoi Loida Morro
Catherine Incognito Denise Puzino
Madeline Fatteross Phyllis Pawlak
Kathleen Colussi

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis, Mrs. Powell,l Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons     

Nays: None Resolution Approved

The following resolutions were moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Jarvis:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Board of Education accept the following special education 6-062-99 tuition responsibility for the 1999 Extended School Year Program in accordance with their IEP as follows:

# of Students School Tuition

23 Bergen Blvd., Ridgefield To be Determined

2,4,5,6, South Bergen Jointure, Maywood 6 @ $1,872 ea
7,8, 10,12 2 @ $1,664 ea

83 Windsor Learning Center $171.92 per day

71,72,75 Bergen County Special Services $1,890 ea
$60  for each add'l

90 Cerebral Palsy Center To be Determined
Bergen County

81 Allegro School $255.00/diem

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approve the submission of the 6-063-99 application for the Grant entitled "Improving America's School Act" (IASA) for the 1999-2000 school year.

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approve the 6-064-99 following occupational therapy services and physical therapy services for special education students for the 1999-2000 school year as required by IEP's:

Occupational Therapy Consultant, Inc.
Evaluations Fee $300.00
Treatment Services $65.00/session

NANPOC Associates
Treatment Services $50.00/session

Richard Rehabilitation Services $205 Initial Evaluation
$60 per session

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. J

Nays: None Resolution Approved

The following resolutions were moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Jarvis:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that Dr. Thomas Bellavia be appointed Medical Inspector, in the 6-065-99 Hasbrouck Heights School District for the school year 1999-2000, at the annual fee of $2,500, said fee to be paid in two (2) equal installments, and

Be It Further Resolved that the following pre-employment examination fees and medical evaluation fee, be established for the school year 1999-2000:

Medical  History & Physical Examination $50.00
EKG (Over age 40) $50.00
Chest X-rays (Over age 40 & Smoker) $60.00
Blood Panel $15.00
Urinalysis $10.00
Mantoux Test (if needed) $18.00
Medical Evaluations $50.00

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools 6-066-99 Nancy Clausen be appointed Marching Band Percussion Instructor for the
1999-2000 school year


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