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Thursday May 24, 1999

A regular meeting of the Board of Education was held on Thursday, May 24, 1999, in the Dr. Burnett Eglow Media Center of the Jr. Sr. High School Building, 365 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey.  The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by  the President, Marie Fitzgibbons.

Mrs. Fitzgibbons read the following statement:

"Pursuant to the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Act, Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, the Board Secretary caused notice of this meeting to be given to the public and the press on  May 4, 1999".

Roll Call was taken by Mr. Bellino, Business Administrator/Board Secretary and the following members responded to their names:

Present - Mrs. Carroll Mrs. Jarvis Mr. Casella Mrs. Powell
Dr. Delcalzo Mr. Suriano Dr. Eglow

Absent - Mrs. Nasuta

Also present - Dr. Stepura, Mr. Bellino,  citizens, members of the press.

Mrs. Fitzgibbons led the Board in the flag salute.

Presentations to district teachers

Mrs. Carroll moved, seconded by Mrs.Jarvis to accept the minutes of April 19, 1999(2); April 22, 1999(2).  Motion  approved by voice vote of a majority of all members present.  Mrs. Powell abstained.

Public Discussion on Agenda Resolutions  - None

Correspondence/Report of School/Business Administrator/Board Secretary:
1. Resolution - Wayne Township Board of Education regarding NJSIAA
2. News Release - NJSIAA regarding Wayne resolution
3. Resolutions - Paramus Board of Education regarding Subcontracting and Tuition
4. Resolution - Oakland Board

Report of the Superintendent

Athletics and Recreation Committee

The following resolution was moved by Mrs. Carroll, seconded by Mr. Casella:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approve membership for the school 5-011-99 year 1999-2000 in the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 172 of the laws of 1979.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, D

Nays: None Resolution approved

The following resolution was moved to be tabled by Mrs. Carroll, seconded by Mr. Casella:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Board of Education enter into a Co-Operative Sports 5-012-99 Program with Wood-Ridge School District for the 1999-2000 school year:

a.  Girls Soccer, hosted by Hasbrouck Heights School District
b.  Boys Soccer, hosted by Hasbrouck Heights School District

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolution tabled

The following resolutions were moved by Mrs. Carroll, seconded by Mr. Casella:

RESO"G".  Said compensation for 1998-99 being $547.00 per year, per club, except as noted:

Model UN Club Mr. VanDam (one-half stipend)
French Club Mr. Eggmann
Italian Club Mrs. Washburn
Spanish Club Mrs. Carr
SADD Mr. Sayer
Art/Scenery Club Ms. Kritzer
Industrial Arts Club Mr. Masucci
Winter Track Club Mr. Brady
Health Careers Mrs. Mihm
Literary Magazine Mrs. Czekja
Mock Trial Ms. Cassidy
Math League Team Miss Small

Renaissance Club Mrs. Wallace

Newspaper Club - Ms. Kalisch/Mrs. Pagano
Stock Market Club - Mrs. McGreevy
Inventor's Club - Mrs. LaTorre

Student Council - Mrs. Sturm
Student Council - Mrs. Mansfield
Athletic Club - Mr. Minichiello

RESOLUTION: Whereas, pursuant to Board of Education Policy #6174, certain teachers have 5-014-99 developed proposals for summer educational camps and sports camps for the 1999-2000 school year which proposals have been approved by and are on file with the Superintendent of Schools.

Now Therefore Be It Resolved, the Board of Education approves the following courses of study for summer educational camps and sports camps and the conduct of those programs with the terms and conditions indi

Program Dates Tuition Teacher(s) Stipend

Summer 7/6/99 - 8/19/99 $15 per hour Karen Coiro $28 per hr.
Enrichment July ($15 registration fee)
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Summer 6/29/99- 8/10/99 $25 per 3 hrs. Dean Hoskin $28 per hr.
Tennis 8:00 am - 1 pm. of Instruction Donna Ahmon $20 per hr.
Anthony Castora $15 per hr. (approx. 6 hr. per week)

Summer 8/9/99- 8/20/99 $99/109 Tim Bowan                     $300/wk
Soccer        9 am.- 3pm. Stu Anblin $300/wk
Dennis Sayer $28/hr
Carol Bartfeld $250/wk
Seth Geftic $150/wk
Eric Sermebekian $150/wk
Michele Carcich $150/wk

8/16/99- 8/20/99 David Price                    $400/wk
evenings Tim Bowan $300/wk
Stu Anblin $300/wk

Summer      8/5/99- 8/9/99 Cost $60. Gary Pankiewicz $500
& Girls

Summer 6/28/99- 7/30/99 Cost $75 Joseph Ascolese $28/hr
Music Program

Summer 7/19/99- 7/23/99 Cost $65 Candace Wallace $28/hr
Softball Camp 6/28/99- 7/2/99 Janine Conkling $350/wk
Heather Wallace $350/wk
Joe Dolinoy $100/session Bob Bruno $100/session                                    Jenn Perrotta $150/wk
Kim Higgins $150/wk
Varsity Team Members $150/wk

Cyber Camp 7/5-9/99         Cost  $110          Candace Wallace             $28/per hr
             7/12-16/99                                                    Michael Stillman      $28/per hr
                7/19-23/99                                                    Dave Rispoli                   $28/per hr

Summer Fun: Creating Works of Art Cost $40 per child / per week


Razzle Dazzle Camp,  A Multicultural Experience in Art, Dance, Music, Literature, and Science                7/5-16/99      Cost $80                Lora Geftic                     $28/per hr                                             

Fast Forward ---Contracts for the Ears     Cost  $1000. per 6 week session
Cheryl Terlemezian        $ 28/per hr                                 

Further Resolved, the summer educational camps and sports camps be conducted, insofar as possible, as a self supporting enterprise and administered thro

Further Resolved that the total expenditures on behalf of the summer tennis, soccer, and basketball programs will be limited to total receipts on behalf of those programs unless there is further action by the Board of Education.

Further Resolved, program managers comply with all laws, regulations, and Board policies in regard to purchasing, payroll, and payment of bills.

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approve the following 1999 Summer 5-015-98 School Program and salary:

Summer Remedial - June 28,1999 thru July 30, 1999, 2 1/2 hours per day

Mrs. Caputo  $1,680
Mrs. Sugarman $1,680

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolution approved

The follo

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approve the Keys Program for after 5-016-99 school child care for the 1999-2000 school year.  Fees to remain the same as the current year with the addition of the imposition of a charge for late pickups.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolution approved

Mrs. Carroll the committee met and discussed summer camps and spring sports season update.

Buildings and Grounds Committee:

Dr. Delcalzo reported on the new field, security at high school,  storage, field erosion and high school roof.

Community Relations Committee:

Mr. Casella commented on the goals for next year.   More articles in the Observer.

Education Committee:

Be It Further Resolved that the Superintendent of Schools is hereby directed to comply with State Department directives concerning the State and Federal criminal history background checks of these employees, and

Be It Further Resolved that said new personnel shall be considered provisionally hired until such time as the Department of Education has indicated that they have completed the criminal history background

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools the 5-018-99 following individuals be approved as substitute teachers in the Hasbrouck Heights School District for the school year 1998-99:

Nancy Eisenberg - County Certified

RESOLUTION: Be it Resolved that upon the Recommendation of the Superintendent

Adriana Rodriquez at Lincoln School with Mrs. Tomesco
Kimberly DeStefano at Lincoln School with Mrs. D'Amore

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolutions approved

The following resolutions were moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Jarvis:

RESOLUTION: Be it Resolved that the Board of Education enter into a contract with the Bergen 5-020-99 County Special Services School District to provide examination and classification services for Chapter 192 and 193 students, for the school year 1999-2000.

RESOLUTION: Be it Resolved that the following tenured employee contract salary be corrected 5-021-99 as follows:

Joan Murphy From: MA+30 17th Step (M ) $75,253
To: MA+30 17th Step (M)(L) $76,435

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approve an 5-022-99 agreement with

Evaluation $300
Student scheduled for one session per week $1,950/year
Student scheduled for two sessions per week $3,900/year
Students requiring more than two sessions per week $1,950 per each
additional wkly sess.

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education accept the following 5-023-99 special education tuition for the 1998-99 school year as follows:

Student #1013 Cerebral Palsy Center $152.00/diem
Bergen County Eff. 6/1/99

Student #1304 Bergen Boulevard $17,407/pro rated
Ridgefield, NJ Eff. 5/24/99

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education accept the funds for 5-024-99 the Grant #IASA208099, entitled Improving

      Title II $3,486
Title IV 8,483
Title VI 7,020
TOTAL $18,989

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolutions approved

The following resolutions were moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Jarvis:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, 5-025-99 the following individual be offered a contract for the 1999-2000 school year at the salary and assignment listed:

Melissa Mondello 6th Grade English $36,184
Jr.Sr. High School BA 3rd Step

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, and in 5-026-99 light of the unique circumstances associated with the matter, the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approve, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:30-6, an additional 20 school days of pay, less t

Be it Further Resolved, that the Board approve an unpaid leave of absence for medical reasons from June 1, 1999 to June 30, 1999.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolutions approved

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Jarvis:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools 5-027-99 that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education revise the 1998-99 school calendar changing June 21, 22, and 23 from full day to half-day for Euclid and Lincoln elementary schools.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolution approved

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Jarvis:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of E

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolution approved

The following resolutions were moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Jarvis:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approve the School 5-029-99 District Technology Plan for the 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 school years as submitted.


Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolution approved

Mr. Casella commented on the following: review of resumes for Euclid Principal, need to meet with Mr. O'Hare to review Guidance.

Finance Committee:

The following resolutions were moved by Dr. Eglow, seconded by Mrs. Carroll:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Board of Education, accept the following reports which are 5-031-99 on file in the office of the Board Secretary:
1.  Report of the Board Secretary  for April 1999
2.  Report of the Treasurer of School Funds

RESOLUTION: That the Board of Education approve the following budget appropriation 5-032-99 transfers as per Attachment B.

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2:12 (3) and after consultation 5-033-99 with the appropriate district officials, I move the Board certify that to the best of its knowledge as of  May 31, 1999, no major account or funds have been overexpended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20-2:12 and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approve the actual payroll for the 5-034-99 month of April, 1999, as adjusted, in the amount of $921,082.70, and that the President of the Board, the Board Secretary, and the Treasurer of School Funds be, and they hereby are, authorized to sign warrants up to and including the above.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr.

Nays: None Resolutions approved

The following resolutions were moved by Dr. Eglow, seconded by Mrs. Carroll:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Board of Education approve the estimated payroll for the 5-035-99 month of May, 1999, in the amount of $950,000.00 and that the President of the Board, the Board Secretary, and the Treasurer of School Funds be, and they hereby are, authorized to sign warrants in any amount up to and including the above $950,000.00.

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the President of the Board, the Board Secretary, and the 5-036-99 Treasurer of School Funds be, and they hereby are authorized to sign warrants for supplies and materials received and services rendered to the Hasbrouck Heights School District.  The amount payable for the month of May, 1999 being:

General Funds: $296,118.17
Capital Funds: $43,852.19
Enterprise Funds: $974.27
Total Payment: $340,944.63

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolutions approved

The following resolution was moved by Dr. Eglow, seconded by Mrs. Carroll:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the amount of district taxes needed to meet obligations of this  5-037-99 Board of Education for the 1999-2000 school year is $13,147,966 and that the Borough of Hasbrouck Heights is hereby reque

Be It Further Resolved that the Board Secretary be authorized to inform the municipal authorities of the financial requirement.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolution approved

The following resolutions were moved by Dr. Eglow, seconded by Mrs. Carroll:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education hereby authorizes 5-038-99 the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary to enter, for the school year 1999-2000, cooperative bidding with other Bergen County Boards of Education wherever feasible to purchase materials, supplies, services and equipment as permitted by statute.

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education enter into a contract 5-039-99 for cooperative bidding services with Edu

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolutions approved

The following resolution was moved by Dr. Eglow, seconded by Mrs. Carroll:

RESOLUTION: Whereas, the Reorganization Meeting Resolution #5-008-98 established check 5-040-99 signing authorization on behalf of the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education,

Be It Resolved, that

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolution approved

The following resolution was moved by Dr. Eglow, seconded by Mrs. Carroll:

RESOLUTION: Whereas, Reorganization Meeting Resolution #5-008-99 established check 5-041-99 signing authorization on behalf of the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education,

Be It Resolved, that the Capital Projects account be amended as follows:

Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education Capital Projects #104-04132-3
Any three of the following:

Joseph T. Bellino, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary
Conchita Parker, Treasurer of School Monies
President of the Board
In their absence the Vice President

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella,

Nays: None Resolution approved

The following resolution was moved by Dr. Eglow, seconded by Mrs. Carroll:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved, that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approve the lease 5-042-99 contract with Stewart Industries/Advanta Leasing for the lease of one Savin Model #9935 digital copier and one Savin Model #91132 desktop copier at a total cost of $251.00 per month for 60 months which includes all maintenance and supplies and includes 60,000 copies per year, additional copies to be billed at $.0156 per copy.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolution approved

The following resolution was moved by Dr. Eglow, seconded by Mrs. Carroll:

RESOLUTION: Whereas, A-744/S-724 (Asselta, Gibson/Ciesla, Turner

Whereas, under the bills, subcontracting would be limited specifically by (l) not permitting it to occur during the term of an existing negotiated agreement; (2) requiring the local school board to give the union and the Public Employees Relations Commission notice of its intent to subcontract not less than 180 days before bids or specifications for the arrangement are requested; and (3) requiring that the local board and the union reach a negotiated agreement on the impact of subcontracting before the local board can enter into a subcontracting arrangement; and

Whereas, local school boards are under increasing pressure to find the most cost-efficient way to deliver services without diminishing educational opportunities; and

Whereas, the bills would place severe obstacles in the way of each loc

Whereas, the clear result of A-744/S-724 will be to provide statutory job security since the local school board would need to obtain the union's agreement before subcontracting could be implements, effectively giving the union the right to veto any local board decision; and

Whereas, the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education believes that A-744/S-724 would place further cumbersome regulations on the attempts of the local boards to deliver cost-effective and operationally efficient local education programs within the local districts' three per cent budget cap;

Now Therefore, Be it Resolved, that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education urges the state legislature to oppose A-744/S-724, and directs that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Governor, all Bergen County legislators and to the New Jersey School Boards Associatio

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolution approved

Dr. Eglow commented that he expects to finish the school year with a surplus.

Future Directions Committee:

Mr. Casella commented on the time capsule, ground breaking ceremonies and adult school.

Labor Relations Committee:

Mrs. Carroll commented on the tentative meeting with aides.

Policy Committee:

The following resolution was moved by Mrs. Carroll, seconded by Mr. Casella:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved, that the Board of Education a"pprove the attendance of Mrs. Joyce 5-044-99 Powell at the New Jersey School Boards Association New Board Member Orientation Conference, June 18-20, 1999, in accordance with NJDOE requirements and Board policy.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolution approved

The following resolution was moved by Mrs. Carroll, seconded by Mr. Casella:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education approve the first 5-045-99 reading of the following amended policy:

Policy #6142.10 Network and Computing

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Jarvis,
Mrs. Powell, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Fitzgibbons

Nays: None Resolution approved


New Buildings Committee (AD HOC)

Mr. Suriano commented on the following:  bids, Euclid poles, state approval delays, construction ground breaking


No report.

Old Business

Mrs. Fitzgibbons reported on school activities she attended.

New Business:

Mrs. Carroll commented on youth week and other activities



Respectfully submitted,

Joseph T. Bellino
School Business Administrator/Board Secretary

[ Back to Index of HH Board of Education Minutes ]


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