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Thursday, March 4, 1999


A special action session meeting of the Board of Education was held on Thursday, March 4, 1999, in the Administration Building, 379 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President, Mrs. Colleen Jarvis.

Mrs. Jarvis read the following statement:

"Pursuant to the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Act, Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, the Board Secretary caused notice of this meeting to be given to the public and the press on March 1, 1999

Roll Call was taken by Joseph T. Bellino, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary, and the following members responded to their names:

Present - Mrs. Carroll Mrs. Fitzgibbons Mr. Case

Also Present: Dr. Stepura and Mr. Bellino

The following resolution was moved by Mrs. Carroll, seconded by Mrs. Nasuta:

RESOLUTION: Whereas, the N.J. State Department of Education has revised State Aid to the 3-359-99 district for the 1999-2000 school year, and

Whereas the N.J. State Department of Education requires that each school district affected by this change revise the preliminary budget to reflect this change and any other change that has become evident,

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education rescind R

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons, Mrs. Nasuta, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Nays: None
Resolution Approved

The following resolution was moved by Dr. Eglow, seconded by Mrs. Carroll:

RESOLUTION: Whereas the Board of Education developed assumptions, constraints, and 2-360-99 priorities to guide the Superintendent in preparing a budget for the 1999-2000 school year, and;

Whereas the Board has carefully reviewed and enhanced the budget proposed by the Superintendent, now therefore be it,

Resolved the Board of Education approve the following preliminary budget for the 1999-2000 school year: Revenues

Budgeted Fund Balance - General Fund $270,000 Transfer from Other Funds 120,000 Miscellaneous Revenue 131,131 State Aid- General Fund 799,746 Tax Levy - General Fund 12,469,849 Total General Fund Revenues $13,790,726

Special Revenue Fund 329,463

Budgeted Fund Balance -

Grand Total - Revenues $14,798,850


Regular Programs - Instruction $5,482,149 Special Education - Instruction 555,057 Basic Skills/Remedial - Instruction 155,445 Bilingual Education - Instruction 68,626 Cocurricular Activities 59,182 Athletics 232,716 Undistributed Expenditures 7,050,635 Capital Outlay 186,916 Total General Fund Appropriations $13,790,726

Special Revenue Appropriations 329,463

Debt Service 678,661


Be It Further Resolved, that the Superintendent and Board Secretary are directed to submit this budget and all required support documentation to the County Superintendent as required by law.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons, Mrs. Nasuta, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Nays: None
Resolution Approved

The board discussed the following:

1. Impact of NJDOE State Aid revisions
2. Other changes to preliminary budget
3. School Year vs Tax Year impact

There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Joseph T. Bellino
School Business Administrator/Board Secretary

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