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Thursday June 25, 1998


A regular meeting of the Board of Education was held on Thursday, June 25, 1998, in the Dr. Burnett Eglow Media Center of the Jr. Sr. High School Building, 365 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by the President, Colleen Jarvis.

Mrs. Jarvis read the following statement:

"Pursuant to the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Act, Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, the Board Secretary caused notice of this meeting to be given to the public and the press on May 1, 1998".

Roll Call was taken by Mrs. Henriquez, Board Secretary, and the following members responded to their names:

Present - Mrs. Carroll Mrs. Fitzgibbons Mr. Casella Mrs. Nasuta Dr. Delcalzo Mr. Suriano Dr. Eglow Mrs. Jarvis

Absent - Dr. MacDonall

Also present - Dr. Stepura, Mrs. Henriquez, Mr. Dzwilewski, citizens, members of t

Mrs. Jarvis led the Board in the flag salute.

Dr. Stepura made presentations and awarded certificates to three teachers for their work on the Child Health Month project:

Karen Della Fave,  Rhonda Sturm, Linda Mansfield

Dr. Stepura also presented certificates to the Lincoln School teachers who were instrumental in obtaining grants for the school:

Cheryl Terlemezian,  Marian Philburn, Kathleen DiGuglielmo, Sandra Unglert

Dr. Stepura recognized Katherine Kalisch who was selected the district;s candidate for 'Teacher of the Year'.

Approval of Minutes

Mrs. Fitzgibbons moved to approve the minutes of May 14, 1998 (2); May 28, 1998 (2). Motion seconded by Dr. Eglow and carried unanimously by voice vote.

Communications - None

A copy of the Superintendent's report is on file in the Superintendent's office.

Education Committee

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Dr. Eglow and carried:

RESOLUTION: Whereas, the attached named students have satisfactorily completed the course 6-075-98 of studies required for graduation from Hasbrouck Heights High School, and

Whereas, Dr. Richard Stepura, Superintendent of Schools, and Mr. Peter O'Hare, Principal of Hasbrouck Heights Junior/Senior High School, have certified that these students have satisfactorily completed the required course of study, now, therefore, be it

Resolved, that the Board of Education award a diploma of graduation to each of the students whose name is set forth on the attached list, which is made a part hereto, and

Be It Further Resolved, that the President of the Board, Mrs. Colleen Jarvis, and the Board Secretary, Roberta E. Henriquez, be and they hereby a

Roll Call Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons Mrs. Nasuta, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Nays: None
Motion carried

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Fitzgibbons and carried:

RESOLUTION: That the following individuals be authorized to maintain the central attendance 6-076-98 registers in the Hasbrouck Heights School District for the school year 1998-99:

Mrs. June Raymond Lincoln School Mrs. Pat Carlin Euclid School Mrs. Lorraine Stasion Junior Senior High School (9th -12th) Mrs. Carol Mason Junior Senior High School (6th - 8th) The Home Instruction Register to be maintained by the Office of Special Services.

Roll Call Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons Mrs. Nasuta, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Nays: None
Motion carried

The following

RESOLUTION: That upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following 6-077-98 student teachers be approved as follows:

Daryl Ziomek with Cristine Rau Gina Sabato with Nancy Vanni Wendy Coletti with Arlene Hoag

Senior Field Experience Jenifer Brower with Geraldine Claps Kimberly DeStefano with Lori Tomesco

Roll Call Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons Mrs. Nasuta, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Nays: None
Motion carried

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Fitzgibbons and carried:


Margaret Ricci 10 Days $274.95/day $2,749.50
Siobhan Hicks 10 Days $270.24/day $2,702.40
Joan Murphy 9 Days $361.78/day $3,256.02
Linda Fusco 10 Days $198.96/day $1,989.60

Roll Call Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons Mrs. Nasuta, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Nays: None
Motion carried

The following resolutions were moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Fitzgibbons and carried:

RESOLUTION: That the following individuals be approved as substitute teachers in the 6-079-98 Hasbrouck Heights School District for the

RESOLUTION: That the Board of Education appoint the following part time School Aides for the 6-080-98 school year 1998-99 at the hourly rate of $9.00.

Jr./Sr. High School Catherine Christen Katherine Miller Rose Francavilla Marie Petro Jill Florio Rosemarie Cristofolo Euclid School Kathleen Iappelli Pat DeStefano Esterina Anderson Sabina Valente Tara Sassaman Ann Marie Treanor Maureen Mucha Marie Kistner Sharon Bunone Lincoln School Brenda Colaneri Gail Paccione Xherahire Cocka Joann Dunn Fran Delvecchio Lorraine Cagiao Nazmile Fejzo Jeanette Dressler Violet Abel Rosalie M. Stratton Diane O'Connor Joan Nesbitt Dolores Wagner Gail Paccione Angela Bruni Mar

And Be it Further Resolved that the following special education aides by approved for the 1998-99 school year:

Adela Albanese Dorothy Checchi

RESOLUTION: That the following individuals be approved as substitute secretaries for the 6-081-98 school year 1998-99 at the rate of $9.00/hour.

Marie Franzoi Loida Morro Catherine Incognito Joyce Powell Madeline Fatteross Kathleen Colussi Fran DelVecchio Phyllis Pawlak Yolanda Charriez-Rosa Carolyn Minervini Peggy Quercio Amelia F

Roll Call Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons Mrs. Nasuta, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Nays: None
Motion carried

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Fitzgibbons and carried:

RESOLUTION: That the Board of Education accept the following special education tuition 6-082-98 responsibility for the 1998 Extended School Year Program as per their IEP as follows:

1001 So. Bergen Jointure, Maywood, NJ $1,600.00 0404 So. Bergen Jointure, Maywood, NJ $1,600.00 0612 Berg. Co. Spec. Serv. HIP, Paramus, NJ $1,800.00 1018 So. Bergen Jointure, Maywood, NJ $1,800.00 1026 Bleshman School, Paramus, NJ $1,800.00 1011 So. Bergen Jointure, Maywood, NJ $1,600.00 0111 So. Bergen Jointure, Maywood, NJ $1,600.00 1103 Bleshman School, Para

Nays: None
Motion carried

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Fitzgibbons and carried:

RESOLUTION: That the Board of Education approve the submission of the application for the 6-083-98 Grant ent"Improving America's School Act (IASA)" in the amount of $18,989 for the 1998-99 school year.

Roll Call Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons Mrs. Nasuta, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Nays: None
Motion carried

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Fitzgibbons and carried:

RESOLUTION: That the Board of Education accept the responsibility for tuition payments for the 6-084-98 following transferred special education student as follows:

Student #1901 Benway School $140.00/diem Wayne, NJ Eff. 6/1/98

Roll Call Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons Mrs. Nasuta, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Nays: None
Motion carried

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Fitzgibbons and carried:


Roll Call Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons Mrs. Nasuta, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Nays: None
Motion carried

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Fitzgibbons and carried:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, 6-086-98 the following individual(s) be offered a contract for the 1998-99 school year at the salary and assignment listed:

Leslie Korkgy Social Stu

Roll Call Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons Mrs. Nasuta, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Nays: None
Motion carried

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Fitzgibbons and carried:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, 6-087-98 the following individual be offered a contract for the 1998-99 school year at the salary and assignment listed:

Lauren Schoen Principal $71,000 (Salary to be Pro- Lincoln School rated contingent upon her starting date)

Roll Call Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons Mrs. Nasuta, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Nays: None
Motion carried

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Fitzgibbons and carried:

RESOLUTION: Be It Resolved that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of

Diane Braitsch Secretary $24,459 2nd Step Jr.Sr. High School Effective 7/1/98

Roll Call Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Dr. Delcalzo, Dr. Eglow, Mrs. Fitzgibbons Mrs. Nasuta, Mr. Suriano, Mrs. Jarvis

Nays: None
Motion carried

The following resolution was moved by Mr. Casella, seconded by Mrs. Fitzgibbons and carried:

RESOLUTION: Whereas, the Board of Education approved the summer school program in May, 06-089-98 Re

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