A work session meeting of the Board of Education was held on Thursday, May 14, 1998, in the Administration Building, 379 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President, Mrs. Colleen Jarvis. Mrs. Jarvis read the following statement: "Pursuant to the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Act, Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, the Board Secretary caused notice of this meeting to be given to the public and the press on May 1, 1998". Roll Call was taken by Roberta Henriquez, Board Secretary, and the following members responded to their names: Present - Mrs. Carroll Mrs. Fitzgibbons Mr. Case Absent Dr. MacDonall, Mrs. Nasuta Also present - Dr. Stepura, Mrs. Henriquez, Mr. Dzwilewski
Correspondence: Mrs. Henriquez read and reported on the following correspondence. All correspondence on file in the business office. 1. Ad for Vice Principal. 8. Maternity leave request from Lesa Brinker. Dr. Stepura reported on the following: 1. Band Parents Dinner on May 22, 1998. President's Report Mrs. Jarvis reported that the Somerset meeting has been rescheduled for May 26, 1998 and May 28, 1998. She also stated that she would be attending the Hasbrouck Heights Educaiton Association Retirement Dinner. Mrs. Jarvis thanked the members for their support on her
election of President. Education Committee Mr. Casella reported that the first Education Committee
meeting is scheduled for next week. He also stated that the committee would like to meet
with Mr. O'Hare on his suggestions for the vice principals structure. Buildings and Grounds Committee Mrs. Jarvis reviewed the resolutions for the May 28, 1998 public meeting. Mrs. Jarvis reported on a leak in the science lab, the water was going into the music room. Dr. Eglow reported on grant money for the fields and
requested that he be able to look into it. Athletics and Recreation Committee Mrs. Fitzgibbons reviewed the resolutions for the May 28, 1998 public meeting. Mrs. Fitzgibbons reported on the summer programs, clubs and cooperative sports programs. Mrs. Fitzgibbons discussed with the membe Finance Committee Dr. Eglow reviewed the resolutions for the May 28, 1998 public meeting. Dr. Eglow recommended the 1998-99 appointments which were
tabled at the organization meeting. It was the consensus of the majority of the board
members present to approve the appointments for 1998-99. Future Directions Committee Mr. Suriano reviewed the resolution concerning the disbanding of the CABS Committee. Mr. Suriano felt that he would like to have a meeting with the CABS Committee and DMR, a Mr. Suriano reported that he wanted to start and education
foundation. Community Relations Committee Mr. Casella stated that Mrs. Jarvis should put a thank you in The Observer on the passage of the referendum. Mr. Casella also stated that he will be working with the
Future Directions Committee to keep the public informed on what is happening with the
referendum. Policy Committee Mrs. Carroll reported on behalf of Mrs. Nasuta that the policy books will be collected and updated. Mrs. Carroll requested private session due to matters of personnel. The meeting was adjourned at 10:46 p.m. to private
session. Respectfully submitted, Roberta E. Henriquez [ Back to Index of HH Board of Education Minutes ]