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Wednesday, April 8, 1998

A special session meeting of the Board of Education was held on Wednesday, April 8, 1998, in the Administration Building, 379 Boulevard, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey. The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by the President, Dr. Burnett Eglow.

Dr. Eglow read the following statement:

"Pursuant to the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Act, Public Law 1975, Chapter 231, the Board Secretary caused notice of this meeting to be given to the public and the press on April 3, 1998".

Roll Call was taken by Roberta Henriquez, Board Secretary, and the following members responded to their names:

Present - Mrs. Carroll Dr. MacDonall (Arr. 7:55 p.m.)
Mr. Case
Mrs. Fitzgibbons Dr. Eglow

Absent Mrs. Jarvis, Mr. Suriano Vacancy on Board

Also present - Mrs. Henriquez


Mrs. Marano met with the board members to review the application for the ÒE RateÓ.

Mrs. Marano explained that we would be reimbursed for universal services, wiring for inter-net access, black boxes and telephone services up to 40%, which is the category we fall under. The funding application must be in Iowa City by April 15, 1998. By filing on this date we would be eligible to be in the first group of applications.

The members asked questions concerning the application, software, money available for com

The following resolution was moved by Dr. MacDonall, seconded by Mrs. Carroll and carried:

RESOLUTION: That the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education authorize Mrs. Marano to sign the 4-315-98 ÒE RateÓ application form on behalf of the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education.

Roll Call: Ayes: Mrs. Carroll, Mr. Casella, Mrs. Fitzgibbons, Dr. MacDonall, Mrs. Nasuta, Dr. Eglow

Nays: None Motion carried

The meeting was adjourned 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Roberta E. Henriquez
Board Secretary

[ Back to Index of HH Board of Education Minutes ]


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